New Research

Finned Robot Leads Gullible Fish Schools

A new fish bot joins the ranks of ethorobotics, or the study of bio-inspired robots that interact with live animal counterparts

Some people find talking to new people more stressful than others.

Giving a Good First Impression: You’re Doing It Wrong

Trying to assert your dominance is not necessarily the best way to say "Hi"


To Adapt to Harsh Greenland Climate, Vikings Gorged on Seals

Despite their barbaric reputation, the Viking-era Norse typically worked as farmers rather than hunters - except on Greenland


Here’s the Reality We’re Signing Up For By Letting Climate Change Happen

Say goodbye to winter, New Orleans, olive oil, rivers and world peace if climate change plays out as predicted


People Have Been Using Stone-Tipped Spears For Way Longer Than We Thought

A new study adds 200,000 years to their run

Dog Paralysis Reversed With Cells From Pooch’s Nose

Fish on Prozac Are Violent And Obsessive

Prozac is seeping out of sewage treatment plants and into rivers and lakes, turning male minnows into female murderers


Tycho Brahe Probably Wasn’t Murdered, But These People Were

Here are some quite odd cases in which the people were probably murdered

Reality Check: Does Oxytocin Keep Committed Men Away from Other Women?

The latest oxytocin study says the hormone makes committed men stay faithful, but some skeptics cry foul

Is Your Syndrome Named After a Nazi?

Many are probably unaware that their condition has a Nazi's name attached to it

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks.

Chronic Lyme Disease Is Probably Not a Real Thing

New bouts of Lyme disease stem from new infections, not relapses


What Will Convince People That Genetically Modified Foods Are Okay?

In California, a loss for labeling GM foods has both sides wondering when people wil stop shouting and start thinking


To Save Money, Ask for Pretty, New Dollar Bills

People like their cash fresh and clean, and they're more likely to hold on to those neat bills than spend them quickly

Have Bedbugs Been Vanquished At Last?

Bedbugs have terrorized cities long enough, and now a human drug might stop them in their tracks


Scientists Get The Best Look Yet at a Rogue Planet With No Star

A gas giant, drifting alone with no star to call home, was discovered 100 light-years away

A functional magnetic resonance image of a brain.

Man in a Vegetative State ‘Talks’ to His Doctors

Using "yes" or "no" questions, researchers ask a vegetative man if he is in pain

Are Humans Getting Intellectually And Emotionally Stupid?

Evolution no longer places intelligence-selecting demands on us, researchers argue, meaning we are slowly but surely regressing intellectually

Since cloning won’t work, maybe we can dress up cats and just pretend.

Endangered Or Extinct Animals Won’t Be Saved By Cloning

Cloning might seem like a panacea solution. Take one animal and make millions! But it's not that simple

Climate Change May Obliterate Pandas

Panda bears are climate change's latest potential victims, which threatens to destroy their bamboo forests


Why Do People Hate Dissonant Music? (And What Does It Say About Those Who Don’t?)

Scientists unlock a clue as to why some musical notes make you feel so uneasy

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