New Research

Life on Earth May Have Been Seeded by Comets

Researchers at UC Berkeley recently added evidence to the idea that life on earth came from a comet


The Sun Can Heal the Cracks in This New Type of Concrete

When the sun lights the concrete jungle, this new material can heal its wounds


You Should Be Really Scared of the CDC’s ‘Nightmare Bacteria’

Recent reports of this "nightmare bacteria" have grabbed headlines, and there are reports of fatality rates as high as fifty percent. Basically, it's bad, and the CDC is really worried

Female Butterflies Can Sniff Out Inbred Males

Unlike in humans, butterfly females can actually distinguish between inbred and outbred males by their scent

We did it! Gold stars for everybody!

2012 Saw the Second Highest Carbon Emissions in Half a Century

For more than 50 years observations from Hawaii have tracked rising carbon dioxide. We're still ignoring those warnings

Joined-up writing: good enough for Abraham Lincoln!

Is Cursive Handwriting Going Extinct?


What Does This Head From the Thirteenth Century Tell Us About Medieval Medicine?

What can a dissection specimen from the 13th century tell us about the Dark Ages?


Some Insect Wings Are Natural Antibiotics

Dotted with tiny spikes, this cicada's wings are naturally antibiotic


2000-Pound Camels Used to Live in the Arctic

Living in the forest alongside bears and beavers, the ancient Canadian Arctic camel

Is This What Facebook’s Future Looks Like?


The Nazi’s Concentration Camp System Was, Somehow, Even Worse Than We Knew

There were tens of thousands more Nazi prisons and concentration camps than anyone previously realized.

Animals Can Help Kids With Autism More Than Toys Can

Recently, researchers explored the potential for therapy animals to help kids with autism, and found that they were more effective than toys


This Might Be Why People Don’t Move Away From Tornado Zones

Living through a tornado doesn't change our optimism about our chances of injury compared to other people

Being a Soccer Fan Can Actually Kill You

During the 2006 World Cup watching a soccer game doubled the risk of a heart attack in German fans


The American Bumblebee Is Crashing, Too

Colony Collapse Disorder targets honey bees. But now American bumblebees are missing, too

The baby who was cured of HIV hasn’t been identified, but here’s another random picture of a baby in a hospital.

Mississippi Baby Might Have Been Cured of HIV

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University say they have cured a baby of HIV using standard HIV drugs very early in life


The Stupid Reason the NHL Drafts Older Players First

Take note, coaches: stop listening to Malcolm Gladwell, and start listening to science


This Simple Test Could Help Stop River Blindness

River blindness, one of the world's leading causes of blindness, begins when a small parasitic worm wiggles its way into human skin

American Football Players Aren’t the Only Ones With Head Injury Issues

Soccer players who head the ball could be injuring their brains, as well


Why Did (or Didn’t) the Meerkat Cross the Road?

Dominant female meerkats hang back to let subordinates cross busy, dangerous roads first

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