New Research

A Japanese sea catfish, enjoying the light.

This Catfish's Whiskers Are Like Ultra-Sensitive pH Strips

Japanese sea catfish seek out worms in the pitch dark by detecting minute changes in water chemistry caused by their prey’s breathing

The newly discovered "mega-Earth" Kepler-10c dominates the foreground in this artist's conception. Its sibling, the lava world Kepler-10b, is in the background. Both orbit a sunlike star. Kepler-10c has a diameter of about 18,000 miles, 2.3 times as large as Earth, and weighs 17 times as much. Therefore it is all solids, although it may possess a thin atmosphere shown here as wispy clouds.

This Rocky Exoplanet is Really, Really Big—Too Big

Kepler-10c is a rocky planet that's too big to be a rocky planet

Wool pants found in a grave in China are the oldest pants yet discovered by archaeologists

The World’s Oldest Pants Were Developed for Riding Horses

3,000-year-old pants discovered in ancient tomb in China

Domesticated Dogs Helped Kill Mammoths

Massive mammoth kills in Europe might have required collaboration between humans and early domesticated dogs

Charging retorts at the Gas Light Establishment. Brick Lane, London, 1822.

California’s Carbon Emissions Today Are Bigger Than the Entire Country's in 1888

A new analysis looks at how countries' carbon emissions changed since 1850

Daughters Who See Their Dad Doing Chores Aspire to Less Stereotypically Female Careers

Seeing a man do the household chores seems to reassure girls that it's no longer 1950

The incorrect way to eat a hamburger (according to science)

Japanese Scientists Have Figured Out the Ideal Way To Eat a Hamburger

Picking up your food any-which-way is just so inefficient

A scanning electron microscope image of a fruit fly.

I Think, Therefore I Am a Fruit Fly

Researchers found that even fruit flies seem deliberate over decisions

Too Many Classroom Decorations Can Distract Young Students

Elementary students perform better when walls are left relatively bare

Thermogram images of an obese woman.

A Third of All People on Earth Are Overweight Or Obese

Obesity rates are rising across the board

Zebras Make the Longest Migratory Journey of Any of Africa’s Land Animals

Zebras travel twice as far as North America's migratory champion, the mule deer

More Than 200 Hidden Paintings Were Discovered on the Walls of Angkor Wat

Researchers discovered the images by digitally enhancing photos of the temple's walls

NASA’s Rodent Habitat module with both access doors open.

NASA's Lab Rats Get New Homes

The latest innovation in spaceflight: new rodent enclosures

He makes it look so easy.

Humans Gave Up Our Strength to Support Our Big Heads

Evolution may have traded muscle mass for big brains

When Gay Men Become Parents, Their Brains Act Like Both Straight Mothers' And Fathers' Brains

In the absence of a mother, gay men's brains become blind to gender and step up to the full task of parenthood

Female Pigs Respond Differently to Batches of Sperm Carrying Mostly X Or Mostly Y Chromosomes

In an experiment, mother pigs' gene expression changed depending on the sperm type they were fertilized wtih

Ordinary People Respond More Strongly to "Global Warming" Than to "Climate Change"

Americans respond differently to the same scientific concept depending on the terminology being used

Listen to Your Coffee Beans—It'll Perfect Your Roasting Skills

Coffee beans make different noises depending on how toasted they are

Even 2-Year Olds Are Being Prescribed Ritalin

There may be as many as 10,000 American toddlers on stimulant drugs for ADHD

The Unpaid Intern Economy Rides on the Backs of Young Women

Female-dominated industries make heavy use of unpaid internships

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