New Research

This Ancient Egyptian Masterpiece Might Be Fake

“Egypt’s Mona Lisa” is likely a sham

Found: The Bacteria That Are Making You Stink

Scientists have finally discovered the culprit behind smelly armpits

There's New Information About Anne Frank's Death

New research challenges the notion that if the Frank sisters had lived a few days more, they’d have survived the war

Scientists Predict Obesity Rates by Examining Sewage Microbes

The microbial makeup of a city's sewage can indicate its population's physique

As We Get Older We Get More Tolerant of Discordant Music

Hearing loss isn’t the only thing that changes our music perception as we age

Population Growth Can Warm a City As Much As Climate Change

Urbanization in California's Central Valley could raise local temperatures an extra one to two degrees Celcius

Turns Out Urine Isn’t Actually Sterile

New research debunks the myth that urine doesn’t contain bacteria…and calls traditional lab techniques into question

This Nasty Medieval Remedy Kills MRSA

An ancient brew could lead to modern-day drugs to fight the superbug

Pandas Actually Hang Out Together

GPS tracking data sheds light on giant pandas secretive societies

Crossing Your Fingers Could Reduce Pain (No Lie)

Researchers find the spatial arrangement of our digits affects the sensations they feel

It Doesn’t Matter How Much Time Parents Spend With Their Kids

New research shows no link between amount of time spent with children and emotional, behavioral, or academic outcomes

Why These Stone-Age Farmers Took the Flesh Off Their Dead

New research shows evidence of an early burial rite

How 'Waves' Rippling Through Bird Flocks Help Them Escape Predators

Starlings are known for their coordinated movements and a common study animal for researchers seeking to explain such behavior

Gold Nanoparticles Can Remote Control the Brain

It’s just the latest twist in nanotech that is using gold as medicine

One group of scientists says that they've figured out a way to make rice with fewer calories.

Why Would Cooling Rice Make it Less Caloric?

Scientists suggest a new way to prepare rice that they say could help slow the worldwide obesity epidemic

According to new figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau, Houston is among the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country.

New Census Data Shows Fastest-Growing Areas

Florida, Texas post big gains in 2013-2014 statistics

How Tampons Might One Day Help Detect Cancer

New research suggests tampons could screen for endometrial cancer

Want to Live Longer? Don’t Sleep So Much

New research links longer sleep duration with a shorter life

Why is music so important to so many of us?

Here’s How Music Really Could Soothe Your Soul

A leading scholar theorizes that music developed as an evolutionary adaptation to help us deal with the contradictory nature of life

An artist's rendition of an asteroid impact.

Largest Asteroid Crater Ever Discovered Underground in Australia

Deep in Earth’s mantle, scientists find evidence of a colossal impact that could reveal new information about Earth’s history

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