
Zombie Pigeons Are Invading Moscow

In humans, the offending disease produces mild sniffles and flu-like symptoms, not an undead stupor or craving for flesh

The Fukushima Nuclear Plant Is Leaking, Again

Despite efforts to contain the leak, around 80,000 gallons of water has managed to escape so far and the problem seems to be getting worse, not better

China Will Stop Harvesting Organs From Prisoners in November

China is the last to give up the practice, one that human rights organizations and the World Health Organization have been pushing against for years

Magic Mushrooms, LSD And Peyote Don’t Seem To Be Bad for Your Health

There may be some reasons for justifying making these products illegal, but detrimental impacts on health are likely not one of them

Chemicals in the Blood Could Warn of Suicidal Thoughts

Preliminary work has found chemical signs, hidden in the blood, of peoples' internal struggles

To Exercise More, Sleep More First

Exercise is not a quick fix for sleeplessness, but rather a sleep aid that kicks in only with a long term investment of a regular schedule at the gym

Hide And Seek Might Be Good for Kids’ Brains

By switching perspectives from hider to seeker, kids get experience in putting themselves in someone else's shoes

How Typhoid Mary Stayed Healthy

Researchers think a potential therapy could be developed that blocks the bacteria's ability to divide and produce symptomatic typhoid

Too Much Facebook Time Will Get You Down

The more time study participants spent scrolling through Facebook, the less happy and satisfied with their lives they felt

Should Women Be Paid for Their Eggs?

In some states donors aren't allowed to be paid for their eggs - they can only be compensated for their travel

Doctors Should Include Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Medical Records

A patients medical records include all sorts of information. Now some doctors are pushing to add sexual orientation and gender identity

Inability to Recognize Emperor Hirohito Actually Not a Sign of Impending Dementia

Researchers realized a change needed to be made after administering the test to people suffering from primary-progressive aphasia, which strikes the young

New school lunch programs are one of the ways people are trying to fight childhood obesity.

Childhood Obesity in the United States Is Decreasing

For the first time in years, the proportion of children who could be classified as obese decreased

Autism Is Likely Under-Diagnosed in Women Due to Gender Bias

Autism has long been a disorder more commonly seen in men. But new research suggests that perhaps doctors are simply missing the signs of autism in women

Artificial Hymens Have Come a Long Way Since Blood-Filled Fish Bladders

There are tests of a woman's virginity, many centered around the blood involved in breaking her hymen. To pass this test, some women turned to fakery


Kids Eat Five Times More Magnets Than They Did Ten Years Ago

Kids like to create faux lip, nose or tongue rings by fashioning the balls into magnetic loops, which wind up accidentally getting swallowed

Male Holocaust Survivors Live Longer Than Israeli Immigrants Who Left Europe Earlier

Victims may emerge from the experience with a sense of purpose in life, or perhaps many of those who survived the Holocaust were simply physically stronger


That Whole Japanese Eyeball Licking Thing Never Really Happened

Never fear. We are not next to suffer from the eyeball licking craze, because that craze never actually existed


When Life Knocks You Down, It Takes About Two Years to Get Back Up

It can take years to recover from a big loss, like being fired or having a marriage fall apart


Why Can’t Accident Victims Remember What Happened to Them?

Memory blanks, flashbacks and an eventual distortion of the traumatic event are all normal reactions to experiencing a disaster

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