
Adrenaline crystals (polarized light micrographs). Adrenaline, also called epinephrine, is normally present in blood in small quantities. It is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands above the kidneys. The glands are controlled by the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for instinct and emotion. In times of stress, more adrenaline is secreted into the bloodstream. It widens the airways of the lungs and constricts small blood vessels. This makes the muscles work harder and produces a "fight or flight" response. Adrenaline used as a drug expands the bronchioles in acute asthma attacks and stimulates the heart in cases of anaphylactic shock.

Blood Clots, Liver Cells and Bird Flu Are Surprisingly Beautiful Under a Microscope

The brightly-colored micrographs and scans in a new book, <i>Science is Beautiful</i>, answer big questions about the human body

Some People Have Patterns on Their Tongues That Look Like Maps

The condition is harmless and fairly common

Stretched over a prosthetic hand, this artificial skin acts more like the real thing than anything before it.

Artificial Skin Could Help Prosthesis Wearers Feel, For Real

A new polymer with a lattice of embedded sensors is sensitive to heat, humidity and pressure

"Joe" and "Josephine" inThe Measure of Man posters, authored by Henry Dreyfuss, designed by Alvin R. Tilley, 1969

The Smithsonian Design Museum Tells the Story of User-Centered Design Through 120 Beautiful Products

A thermostat, a wheelchair, a prosthetic arm and razors are all a part of "Beautiful Users," now on display in New York City

You've Never Seen Nerve Endings Like These

Scientists produce the most detailed images of nerve endings ever made

India Once Released 25,000 Flesh-Eating Turtles Into the Ganges

A plan to clean up corpses failed due to lack of planning

MicroCHIPS, a startup formed by MIT researchers, has developed a drug delivery chip that is implanted under the skin.

Turn Your Birth Control On and Off With a Remote

Bill Gates is backing MicroCHIPS, a Massachusetts-based startup developing an implantable chip that releases birth control hormones on demand

A scanning electron micrograph image of red and white blood cells.

Scientists Have Basically No Idea How Many Cells Are in the Human Body

Is it 5 trillion or 500 trillion? Who knows.

Faye Wu, a graduate student in mechanical engineering, demonstrates the "supernumerary robotic fingers."

Multitask Like Never Before With These Robotic Fingers

Many hands make light work, right? Well, MIT researchers have created a wrist-worn robot with a couple extra digits

Scientists are looking to restore memory by stimulating neurons deep in the brain.

Could Implants in the Brain Revive Memory?

The Defense Department is funding research to see if "neuroprosthetics" implanted in the brain can heal damaged memory.

This Mummy Had an Angel Tattooed on Her Leg

A 1,300 year old Egyptian mummy was found to have the tattoo of an angel on her inner thigh

A new process is giving human voices to people with speech disabilities.

How to Build a Human Voice

Using sounds from "donors," scientists are constructing personalized voices for those who can't speak

The Human Nose Can Distinguish Between One Trillion Different Smells

New research says our olfactory system is far more sensitive than we thought

What Does Your Earwax Smell Like?

Your earwax's odor is unique

Altering activity in the gut has been shown to affect mood and behavior. Can it also improve learning?

Checking the Claim: Can Probiotics Make You Smarter?

A researcher says a certain strain of gut bacteria can enhance brain power—but some critics aren't sold


If You Like Gore, You'll Like Watching This Eyeball Get Dissected

Mind the eye juice

The Science of the First Cold Weather Super Bowl

Science shows that the cold weather will make it harder for players to grip the ball, avoid slipping and hear each other over the roar of the crowd

In Selfmade, microbiologist Christina Agapakis and scent artist Sissel Tolaas made cheese from bacteria collected from people's mouths and toes.

Cheese Made From Bacteria Between Your Toes and Other Bizarre Bio Art

With groundbreaking (and controversial) projects, artists are starting a conversation about the future of synthetic biology

Pregnancy feels several months too long? A 3D printed fetus can give you a glimpse of how it is to actually hold your child.

Expecting? Cradle Your 3D Printed Fetus In The Meantime

A startup offers to create a life-like replica of your gestating child from ultrasound images

Codenamed "Triton," the mysterious concept comes in the form of a small mouthpiece designed to mechanically capture the oxygen gas present in water and store it in a compressed air tank.

A Student Claims to Have Designed Working Artificial Gills

A mysterious site showcases a detailed blueprint of a wearable device that lets users breathe underwater like fish

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