
Less conspicuous than the rugged Rocky, Cascade and Coast Mountain Ranges in this photograph are the markings of agriculture, in the bottom center.

It’s a Green, Green, Green, Green World

NASA and NOAA release satellite images of Earth and all its vegetation

Not the cloned mouse

Mouse Cloned From Its Parent’s Blood

White blood cells flowing in its parents blood provided the genetic material needed to clone


Fin Whale Unsure Whether It Wubs Dubstep Remix of Its Conversation

Fin whale calls can be detected by seismic networks, and because this is the internet, there is obviously a remix


Plants Do Math Every Single Day

Math, the researchers say, is a vital component of a plant's ability to grow and thrive


We Still Have No Idea Why Women Have Orgasms

Most researchers hypothesize that the orgasms must have something to do with facilitating the meeting of sperm and egg, but studies prove inconclusive


The World’s Oldest Wild Bear Is Showing Her Age

She's 39 and a half, and she's the oldest wild bear in the world


Sex Itself is Deadly for These Poor Little Male Spiders

For these male spiders, having sex starts an irreversible process that ends with their death


Pesticides May Be Harmful to Animals Even at “Safe” Levels

Even when used at low concentrations, some pesticides can still cause unintended consequences

Can We Blame Men for Menopause?

It's hard to see how a genetic predisposition to sterility would be helpful


At Least 400,000 Hungry Seabirds Drown in Fishing Nets Each Year

The gillnets used by local or artisanal fishers are a big threat to seabirds


This New Sperm Bank for Honey Bees Could Help Fight Colony Collapse Disorder

By boosting bees' genetic diversity, this sperm bank could make American bees stronger

Is It True That More People Have Been in Space Than Seen a Siberian Tiger in the Wild?

Hummingbird Feathers Reverberate Like Violin Strings Creating Unique Songs

Dead Male Guppies Can Make Babies

Female Trinidadian guppies store sperm from males that they mated with and use it to make babies long after the males they mated with died


Police Can Now Take Your DNA After Any Arrest

The Supreme Court has ruled that police can take DNA samples from anybody under arrest for any crimes, regardless of whether DNA is relevant to their arrest

Laughing? Crying? Reveling in your pain? Possibly all of the above.

Even 4-Year-Olds Feel Schadenfreude

And it turns out that kids as young as four experience that weird glee of seeing someone trip and fall

Legendary Human-Eating Bird Was Real, Probably Could Have Eaten People

In Maori legend, Te Hokioi was a giant bird that preyed on children, and science says that's probably the truth


To Measure Elephant Obesity, One Researcher Assesses Pachydermal Butts

It turns out that it's really hard to figure out if an elephant is fat

If You Must Kill That Spider, The Best Way Is To Freeze It

The next time you see an eight legged friend that you'd rather not be friends with, here's the best way to kill it




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