
How Engine Placement Gives This Mercedes-AMG Its Edge

The secret to the high performance of the Mercedes-AMG is the placement of the front end engine: right behind the axle

Never-Before-Seen Footage of Clownfish Hatching

Thanks to the use of a specialized infrared camera, we're now able to witness a never-before-seen phase of clownfish development

This 1977 Plane Crash Occurred Right on the Runway

On March 27, 1977, at Los Rodeos airport in Tenerife, Pan Am Flight 1736 was sitting on the taxiway waiting to take off

Watch This Male Mantis Shrimp Dance to Attract a Mate

Mantis shrimp have a reputation as fighters and it's well deserved. But they also have a romantic side to them

How Americans Found a Clever Loophole in the Prohibition Act

Just because the country had voted to outlaw alcohol, didn't mean that people would comply. The legal case wasn't much helped by a quirky loophole

How Edith Roosevelt Completely Transformed the White House

Edith Roosevelt was a reluctant First Lady. Despite this, she had the presence and determination to bring about a major innovation to the White House

Rare Home Movies of the Secret Manhattan Project Grounds

When physicist Hugh Bradner was brought to work on the Manhattan Project in 1943, the level of secrecy was unparalleled

These Men Risked Their Lives to Build 1920s New York Skyscrapers

The skyscrapers of Manhattan needed a new, bolder type of construction worker

This Man Filmed Life Inside an Internment Camp

Dave Tatsuno was one of the 120,000 Japanese-Americans rounded up in the U.S. in 1942 and placed in an internment camp

What the First Radio Commercial Jingle Sounded Like

Wheaties was one of the first companies to recognize the enormous potential of radio as an advertising tool

Why the Flamingo Signaled the Birth of Sin City

The Flamingo was the first luxury resort to capture the public's imagination in Las Vegas

Why the Shift to Farming Ruined This Ancient City's Health

The switch from a hunter gatherer society to a farming one appears to have resulted in a more sedentary lifestyle for the inhabitants of Catalhoyuk

30 Workers Fell While Building the Golden Gate Bridge

During the construction of the Golden Gate bridge, the construction companies had a grim rule of thumb: one worker fatality for every million dollars spent

Civil War Submarine Battles Were Often Suicide Missions

During the Civil War, the North imposed a suffocating blockade of a number of key Confederate port

How 9/11 Drastically Altered U.S. Flight Security

Two months after the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. government created the Transportation Security Administration, or TSA

How Eleanor Roosevelt Redefined the Role of First Lady

Eleanor dedicated her life to fighting for the rights of the oppressed, including pushing FDR to set up the National Youth Administration

How the New Deal Left Out African-Americans

During the Great Depression, unemployment among African-Americans was twice that of whites – mostly due to segregation

Rare Footage of FDR Walking With Leg Braces

FDR contracted polio at the age of 39, which left his legs partially paralyzed. Fearing this would impact his bid for presidency, he came to an agreement

This Priest Witnessed the 9/11 Pentagon Plane Crash

Father Stephen McGraw has just witnessed Flight 77 crash into the west wall of the Pentagon

Why Did the U.S. Sink Captured Japanese Subs After WWII?

WWII had come to a close, and the U.S. was the first to seize a new class of giant Japanese submarines. The next step was to analyze them quickly

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