Technology & Space


Architectural Genetics

Sandra Day O’Connor

Ain't No Lie


Seeking Friendlier Skies

Can radar networks eliminate airplane turbulence?

Cloning cell-line colonies using cloning rings

Dept. of Sarcasm: Cloning the Important Stuff


Today's Great Science Quote


Life Unplugged

Bundle up your power cords—wireless energy transfer is here

Since early 2004, the Mars rovers have gathered images of rocks and terrain where water, the presumed prerequisite of life, once flowed (an artist's rendition).

Life Beyond Earth

An ocean on Mars. An Earth-like planet light years away. The evidence is mounting, but are astronomers ready to say we're not alone?

British Scientists Declare Independence from Americans


Geoff Marcy's Heart Will Go On



Can invisible technology make Harry Potter disappear?

Marine archaeologists rescued the shipwrecked H.L. Hunley (above, a computer rendering) in August 2000 more than 135 years after it sank during the Civil War.

Saving Our Shipwrecks

New technologies are aiding the search for one Civil War submarine, and the conservation of another


DeLorean Tremens

Hold onto your flux capacitors, time machines have nearly arrived

Sometime after 1938, a forger, perhaps oblivious to the document's historic nature, tried to boost its value by painting Byzantine-style illuminations on a few of its pages.

Reading Between the Lines

Scientists with high-tech tools are deciphering lost writings of the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes


Tool Time

Prague's astronomical clock has marked time since the 15th century. Legend holds that local officials ordered the maker of this famous timepiece blinded to prevent him from duplicating his great achievement elsewhere.

Time for a Change

One professor's mission to revise the calendar

Though the exoplanets found to date are in our galaxy, most are about 100 light-years away.

The Planet Hunters

Astronomers have found about 200 planets orbiting other stars, and they say it's only a matter of time before they discover another Earth

Although owners prized their EV1s, the manufacturer did not relent.

The Death of the EV-1

Fans of a battery-powered emissions free sedan mourn its passing

Fred and Ginger quickly and precisely configure the optical fibers beneath them.

Fred and Ginger

Two robots, neither as graceful as its namesake, but no less accomplished, are among advances keeping scientists on the cutting edge


Stem Cell Pioneers

Despite federal opposition to embryonic stem cell research, academic freedom and profits in California is luring scientists to the field

Sam Ogden

35 Who Made a Difference: Tim Berners-Lee

First he wrote the code for the World Wide Web. Then he gave it away

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