Smart News Science


Geologists Make Lava, Unleash it on New York

Jeff Karson and Bob Wysocki make real lava. Then, they watch it bubble and ooze across upstate New York

Being Selfish Is a Winning Life Strategy, For a While

Dominating and controlling others is the best way to get ahead, until you come up with a like-minded opponent

Kanzi creates his hominid-rivaling tools.

Crafty Bonobo Shows Humans Aren’t the Only Stone Tool-Makers

Om nom nom

Antibiotics May Be Making You Fat

By wiping out gut bacteria, researchers found that antibiotics could make mice fat


Curiosity’s High-Definition Perspective of its Descent Onto Mars

Bask in the high-definition timelapse images captured by Curiosity as it landed on Mars

Go to Sleep, All-Nighter Cram Fests Don’t Work

A new study shows that sacrificing sleep in favor of studying or doing homework is counterproductive

How Does It Feel To Have Half a Brain? Not Bad, Actually

"Patient R" is missing three key parts of his brain, and yet he's conscious and self-aware

An artist’s depiction of a Plesiosaur, the same species Nessie reportedly belongs to.

Celebrating 1,447 Years of the Loch Ness Monster


Dogs Chasing Their Tails Are Akin to Humans With OCD

For dogs engaged in this futile repetitive behavior, there might not be much of a choice, just like people suffering from OCD

Is This Mother Giraffe Mourning Her Dead Baby?

Mother giraffes join the ranks of elephants, polar bears, chimpanzees, gorillas,and other animals in the practice of mourning their dead

BD+48 740 is just a bit bigger than Pollux, seen here dwarfing our own Sun.

Earth Will Die a Hot Horrible Death when the Sun Expands and Swallows Us, and Now We Know What That Looks Like

Astronomers caught a red giant star swallowing one of its planets, a vision of Earth's own potential fate

These college students are probably happier than you.

Drink Up – Binge Drinking College Students are Happier Than Their Sober Peers

A recent study found that college students who binge tend to be more satisfied with their college experience than their peers who don't drink

ChemRex, the only thing that could possibly make Curiosity’s ChemCam any cooler.

Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About the Curiosity Rover

Just because the six-wheeled nuclear-powered behemoth has yet to begin cruising doesn't mean there aren't loads of interesting things to read and hear

An endangered whooping crane

‘We the People’ Do a Better Job of Picking Endangered Species than the Government

Hopefully, Curiosity will never wake up on the wrong side of Mars, then we’d have trouble finding her.

Good Morning Curiosity – Wake up With the Same Songs as a Mars Rover

Every Martian morning, the Curiosity rover gets a wakeup song

Babies Aren’t So Moral After All, Unless We Engineer Them That Way

The latest research on the "Do babies have an innate moral compass?" question indicates that no, they do not

Ooff. Will this fit?

Frantic Search Ensues for Planet-Sized Dunce Cap as World’s Oceans Take Home Report Card

The "ocean health index" was just released, and overall the world got a giant "D"

The Professor Molchanov sails off the coast of Svalbard.

Arctic Algae Infiltration Demonstrates the Effects of Climate Change

A sudden shift seen off the coast of Svalbard demonstrates how the world's ecosystems will be reformed by persistent climate change

Killer Economy – Science Suspects Recession to Blame for 1,000 Suicides in England

While jobs declined in England between 2008 to 2010, researchers found that suicides increased

Doctors Probe Bodies with Tiny Microscopes But Don’t Know What They Are Seeing

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