Smart News Science

A new map reveals the most detailed picture of hydrogen atoms in the Milky Way ever made.

New Research

This Breathtaking Map Traces Hydrogen Throughout the Milky Way

Scientists have made the most detailed map of our home galaxy’s hydrogen currently possible

New Research

Neanderthals May Have Given Us Both Good Genes and Nasty Diseases

DNA analysis shows ancient hominds transmitted genes that may have helped us adapt quicker to Europe and Asia. They also gave us HPV.

An extremely well-preserved footprint researchers found on the recent expedition in Denali National Park.

Cool Finds

First Dinosaur Fossils Discovered in Alaska's Denali National Park

Paleontologists found four small fragments of dino fossils, proving the acidic soil 70 million years ago could have preserved bones

Trending Today

Schiaparelli Mars Lander Likely Crashed on Descent

The European Space Agency lost contact with the Schiaparelli probe after it jettisoned its heat shield and deployed its parachute

Weeping Window will travel throughout the U.K. through 2018.


How the Poppy Came to Symbolize World War I

Red blooms help the world commemorate a bloody war

New Research

Cave Paintings Help Unravel the Mystery of the ‘Higgs Bison'

The hybrid bovine has been a missing link in the ancestral tree of modern European bison

Trending Today

10,000 Scrotum Frogs Found Dead Near Lake Titicaca

Over 10,000 of the world's largest water frogs were found dead along the Coata River, a tributary of the heavily polluted lake

Life in the Cosmos

Did a Comet Set Off Global Warming 56 Million Years Ago?

Tiny glass beads found in New Jersey and Bermuda suggest this dramatic warming period began with an impact

Jia Jia

Trending Today

Goodbye, Jia Jia: World's Oldest Captive Panda Dies at Age 38

Throughout her long life, Jia Jia helped the dwindling number of pandas bounce back

Have burned wasteland, will grow.

New Research

Hungry for Morel Mushrooms? Head to Yosemite

It turns out that the shriveled shrooms love forests ravaged by fire

New Research

Uranus May Have Been Hiding Two Moons

Researchers spotted ripples in the planet's rings, which may be tracks left from two tiny moons

Trending Today

Countries Agree to Cut Harmful Refrigerants: What You Need to Know

Over the weekend, nearly 200 nations agreed to phase out hydrofluorocarbons, a super greenhouse gas used in air conditioners and refrigerators

An illustration of the Schiaparelli lander detaching from the Trace Gas Orbiter as it makes its way to the surface of Mars

Trending Today

Five Things to Know About the Schiaparelli Probe Heading for a Touchdown on Mars

A lot is riding on the European Space Agency’s first Mars lander

Human blood contains red blood cells, T-cells (orange) and platelets (green)

New Research

Scientists Are Creating an Atlas of Human Cells

The Human Cell Atlas will boldly go where science, surprisingly, hasn’t gone before

A before-and-after composite shows the lunar surface with a surprising starburst-like jet pattern.

New Research

Craters Are Forming on the Moon Faster Than Anyone Predicted

New research digs into the changes on the pockmarked lunar surface

Hubble's eXtreme Deep Field Image

New Research

There Are Ten Times as Many Galaxies as Previously Thought

By these latest estimates, two trillion galaxies are scattered throughout the vast universe

Trending Today

Commercial Modules Are Coming to the International Space Station. But You Can't Visit Anytime Soon

Small, slow steps for private spaceflight

Rendering of Vegavis iaai in flight

New Research

Antarctic Fossil Suggests Ancient Birds Honked Not Sang

Recent analysis of two fossils provides the first evidence of ancient noisemakers

Space Shuttle Atlantis lifts off on NASA's final space shuttle mission from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida on July 8, 2011.

Trending Today

Many of NASA's Recent Successes Actually Date Back to the Bush Administration

Some leaps, launches and grand plans for the future

The new dwarf planet—too small to join the ranks of our solar system's eight planets—orbits the sun roughly twice as far away as Pluto.

New Research

Say Hello to Our Solar System’s Newest Dwarf Planet

Spotting the dwarf planet could help in the search for Planet Nine

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