

How Smart Can a City Get?

Experts think it's only a matter of time before cities are being run by sensors connected to powerful computers

What will be the future of spaceflight?

Space Travel in the 22nd Century

NASA and the Defense Department want scientists to start dreaming the next impossible dream: Exploring another solar system

New apps and gizmos are helping pets out.

Pet Tech Gears Up

Pet products are already a huge business. Innovations like pet GPS and remote feeding devices are making it even bigger

There are as many as 7,000 drones in service; apparently manufacturers are struggling to keep up with demand.

Drones Get Smarter

We're moving closer to the day when flying robots will make decisions on their own

Are these machines making us stupid?

Are Machines Dumbing Us Down?

The idea that technology is causing us to lose our mental edge won't go away

Solyndra offices

Can Solar Survive the Solyndra Swirl?

Following the collapse of the ballyhooed solar firm, these are dark times for renewable energy. But big players are betting it's treehugger fantasy

Apple accused Samsung of copying their tablet design.

When Patents Cramp Innovation

Patents supposed to turn ideas into inventions. But in the tech world, they've become the weapons of choice when companies like Google and Apple face off

Face recognition software is making a leap forward from 2-D to 3-D scanning.

How Technology Fights Terrorism

The smart helmets of the future?

Football Tech to Protect Players

From "smart helmets" to "intelligent mouthguards," football tackles the challenge of high technology to reduce injury and improve the game

Car sharing in Rome

Will Sharing Replace Buying?

Thanks to social media and wireless networks, we have less reason to own things. Welcome to the sharing economy

Your book, now with sound

E-Books Get a Soundtrack

A company called Booktrack Introduces a new kind of e-book. It plays music or sound effects to accompany your reading

Hurricane Irene makes landfall.

Can We Do Something About This Weather?

Most climate scientists say we should expect extreme weather to happen more often in the future. Do we have to be satisfied with just being prepared?

Steve Jobs -- no longer the CEO at Apple

Steve Jobs Gets a Standing O

The Apple CEO's resignation has prompted an outpouring of tributes you rarely, if ever, see for corporate executives

Computers are coming closer and closer to mimicking the human brain.

When Computers Get Brains

IBM scientists say their "cognitive" chip is a key step toward developing computers that think and learn more like human beings and less like calculators

What can our schools do to better prepare students for the workplace?

A Cheat Sheet to Help Schools Foster Creativity

Corporate execs say they're looking for independent thinkers, but schools are stilled geared to assembly lines. Here are ideas to spur imaginative learning

An underwater system generates power through blades that mimic the swaying motion of coral and kelp.

How Nature Makes Us Smarter

An ideal spot for relaxation

How to Enjoy National Relaxation Day

Some folks say this should be declared National Relaxation Day. Here are some products that claim to help you get your mellow on

The M-dress

Clothes Encounters

Clothing embedded with nanotechnology taps into our growing desire to turn everyday things into electronic gadgets

A pothole is the gateway drug to civic engagement

A Fine Fix or, All You Need Is Gov?

To start rebuilding our faith in government, we need to go local. And our smart phones will help us

Google founders Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin and Larry Page in their company's driverless car

Google Hits the Road

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