Arts & Culture


What's Up

The Tao of Tea, Beyond Pottery and Something in the Air

Counting on Grace

Excerpt from Elizabeth Winthrop's "Counting on Grace"

This novel about a 12-year-old mill worker was inspired by a Lewis Hine photograph.

Author Pete Hamill

Author Pete Hamill

Pete Hamill, author of "Downtown: My Manhattan," discusses what makes New York home

The first step in making charcoal from sugar cane bagasse is setting it on fire in a used oil drum.

Interview: Amy Smith, Inventor

Amy Smith, a practitioner of humanitarian engineering, wants to solve everyday problems for rural families in the developing world

Thomas Allen Harris with his family in the Bronx, NY (circa, 1977).

Interview with Thomas Allen Harris

Director of "Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela"


Heck of a Story

A poignant homecoming launches a harrowing quest

David Hockney exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London

David Hockney and Friends

Though the artist doesn't think of himself as a painter of portraits, a new exhibition makes the case that they are key to his work


Morning In America

Space shuttle-watchers took their place in the sun, not yet awakened to the true risks of exploring the heavens.

Hurricane Katrina

Crescent City Twilight

A photographer takes a pinhole view of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, which struck a year ago this month

William Wegman photographed by Roy Adkins

Artist William Wegman

Wegman speaks about photographing his Weimaraners, including Man Ray and Fay Ray


Snap Judgments

The winners (and some runners-up) of SMITHSONIAN's annual photo contest take a bow


Building the New Urbanism

Urban planners take a cue from pre-WWII cities and towns

Soda bottles make up the bulk of the construction of a 3,500-liter cistern that Andreas Froese (pictured) and schoolchildren built in Roatan, Honduras. When filled with sand, the bottles become nearly indestructible.

Waste Into Walls: Building Casas Out of Sand

A green technology guru heads to the dump in search of the stuff of dreams


Interview with Louise Erdrich

Erdrich speaks about notable weather, Wal-Mart and writing


Last Hurrah

Everyone wanted to see the Babe the day they retired his number; photographer Nat Fein saw the story.


Let There Be Light

From dark and cavernous to room for everybody


Q&A: Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson, Henson's daughter and a muppet designer, spoke with Smithsonian's Jennifer Drapkin

The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly was found in a garage after the 1964 death of its self-taught creator, Washington, D.C. janitor James Hampton.

Grand Reopening: Speaking of Art

Two museums return home and invite visitors to engage in "conversations"


Interview with Adam Goodheart, Author of "Back to the Future"

The author talks about what makes the newly renovated Patent Office Building special


An Interview with Author David Karp, Fruit Detective

The author of "Berried Treasure" discusses fruit mysteries and pith helmet style

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