
Jurassic Park poster

An Open Letter to Steven Spielberg

Something has been troubling me, Steve. I worry what your recent news means for us dinosaur fans

Allie and Elizabeth make their way across a steep badland slope as we prospect for new sites to collect Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum plant fossils. The red layers on the hill behind them represent the lowest part of the PETM.

Wyoming Paleontology Dispatch #5: An All-Star Team of Scientists

A geologist, a geochemist and a paleontologist go into an (ancient sand) bar

What are the National Zoo's gorillas plotting?

The List: 5 Reasons Why We Should Worry About an Ape Revolution

With the release of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, we should be prepared in case apes attempt to take over our world

The Jesse Owens stamp

Jesse Owens Wins his First Gold

Despite a climate thick with racial tension, 75 years ago today, the track star made history at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin

We haven't had a message from ET yet, but maybe we're not looking in the right way.

Ten Ways to Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe

If radio messages are out, try looking for asteroid mining, planetary pollutants, or alien artifacts here on Earth

Doughnut Burger

What Makes a Satan Sandwich?

If one were to go down to the crossroads at midnight and call the devil's name three times, what dish would appear in a poof of fire and brimstone?


Dinosaur Office

As bad as your workplace is, at least you don't have to worry about your tyrannosaur boss eating you for lunch

According to author Christine Sismondo, taverns, such as the one shown here in New York City, produced a particular type of public sphere in colonial America.

The Spirited History of the American Bar

A new book details how the neighborhood pub, tavern, bar or saloon plays a pivotal role in United States history

Closing Soon: 1) "Calder's Portraits: A New Language;" 2) "Vantage Point: The Contemporary Native Art Collection;" 3) "Chinamania: Whistler and the Victorian Craze for Blue-and-White;" 4) "Fragments in Time and Space"*

Hurry In! Exhibitions Closing in August

Summer and the city is hot. Refresh and cool down at these exhibits, closing this month

Part of a sauropod trackway from the Teruel, Spain tracksite

Spain’s Tiny Sauropods Traveled Together

At least six individuals moved in the same direction, nearly parallel to each other—the tracks represent a herd

Brain cells, stained in red, are sensitive to hormones that influence appetite

Dieting May Cause The Brain to Eat Itself

When "autophagy" was blocked, hunger signals were blocked and the mice became lighter and leaner

Left: Lisa and Minter Dial, on their way to the 1939-40 New York World's Fair. Right: Minter's ring

Minter’s Ring: The Story of One World War II POW

When excavators in Inchon, Korea discovered a U.S. naval officer's ring, they had no knowledge of the pain associated with its former owner, Minter Dial

Wild Bill Hickok's present-day gravesite in Mount Moriah Cemetery in Deadwood, SD

American Wonder Wild Bill Hickok Shot and Killed From Behind on This Day in History

Wild Bill dead of a gunshot wound to the head, see one of his guns at a new exhibition at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

More Fantasy Foods Made Real

The imaginary has come to life: Scooby Snacks, Cheesy Poofs and even Soylent Green

The award’s design derives from the station identification that MTV used when it debuted in 1981, which included astronaut images overlain with rock music.

Air and Space Museum’s “Moon Man” Celebrates MTV’s 30th Anniversary

Celebrate MTV's 30th anniversary by looking back at the history of the iconic "Moon Man" statuette, and learn its surprising connection to the Smithsonian

A pothole is the gateway drug to civic engagement

A Fine Fix or, All You Need Is Gov?

To start rebuilding our faith in government, we need to go local. And our smart phones will help us

A baby Cavendish's dik-dik at the San Diego Zoo

What In The World Is A Dik-dik?

Unlike other African antelope species, there are no herds of dik-diks. They form monogamous pairs that stand guard over their own territory

The Air and Space Museum’s Ask and Expert Lecture series is at it again this Wednesday with a look into the life of Russian cosmonaut Gherman Titov

Events August 1-5: Seasons Arts of Japan, Doll Pins, Gherman Titov, Ancient Central America, Dinner and a Movie

This week visit the Smithsonian for ExplorAsia, a craft session at Anacostia, a chance to learn about Russian cosmonaut Gherman Titov and more

Do you know the five spices that go into fish curry?

Inviting Writing: The Mother-in-Law’s Kitchen

My folks thought it was time I started thinking about marriage and therefore take the kitchen more seriously. Seriously? Why?


Battling the Dinosaurs of Project Blackout

Dinosaurs are handy video game monsters. They're famous, fearsome and nearly unstoppable

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