

This Beautiful Window Art Also Saves Birds’ Lives

Seven female swimmers at the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., 1920

How Bathing Suits Went From Two-pieces to Long Gowns and Back

Bikinis may have been illegal in 1900, but they were all the rage in ancient Rome


Your Kid’s New Dermatologists: Barney and Kung Fu Panda

The reconstructed cast of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus in the NHMLA’s centerpiece Dinosaur Hall display.

Beautiful Dinosaurs Ripped From Time

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles has beautiful dinosaur displays, but what do the exhibits tell us about your connection to Triceratops and kin?

Mining operations near Longyan, Fujian Province, China.

High-Tech’s Crucial Rare Earth Elements Are Already Running Low

‘World’s Rarest Toad’ Not Extinct After All


Seeing Stars at the African Art Museum

"African Cosmos: Stellar Arts" opens today at the African Art Museum



The Once and Future Coffeehouses of Vienna

Coffee is one of Vienna's legacies, but how will the city hold onto its past while adapting to the changing culture? New furniture may be the answer

The National Zoo’s newest addition, a baby howler monkey.

Events June 22-24: Choctaw Days, Hollywood Classics and a Day at the Zoo

This weekend, celebrate the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, watch some Hollywood classic films and take the kids to the zoo

A solar farm at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

New Solar Cell Targets the 40% of Sun’s Energy That Others Miss


Spain: Of Sun, Siestas — and Salmon?

About a dozen Spanish streams support native runs of Atlantic salmon, but anglers are deeply divided about how to fish for them

One day, the sun will set for good on Lanai, Hawaii.

Does Larry Ellison Know His $600 Million Island Is Sinking?


How Easter Island Statues ‘Walked’ To Their Stations


Pirate Vampire Dug Up in Bulgaria


Robots Enter the Job Market

In some cases, they're learning to work with humans. In others, they're taking over the whole plant

The Turing test, a means of determining whether a computer possesses intelligence, requires it to trick a human into thinking it’s chatting with another person

Are You Chatting With a Human or a Computer?

Converse with some of the world's most sophisticated artificial intelligence programs—and decide how human they seem


The Arc of History is Long, But it Bends Toward Asian Economic Dominance

Benjamin Walker as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Movie Mash-ups That Beat Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Mixing movie genres, from Abbott and Costello to SCTV


Welcome to Threaded! And a Dig Through the Archives

Welcome to Threaded, your go-to fashion blog for all things historical and sartorial

Wind turbines in Pennsylvania

Scientists Save Bats and Birds from Wind Turbine Slaughter

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