

Spend Your Fourth of July Hominid Hunting

Celebrate Independence Day with a trip to one of America's many archaeological parks

The farmer of the year 2031 works at his large flat-panel television (1931)

1931′s Remote-Controlled Farm of the Future

The farmer of tomorrow wears a suit to work and sits at a desk that looks oddly familiar to those of us here in the year 2012


Chimps Celebrate the End of a Research Era


Five Movies That No One Will Ever Be Able to See

What are the best films that were never put to celluloid? We look back at the passion projects of famous directors that never got off the ground


New Robot Eliminates Only Jobs Left – In the Service Sector

Carnegie Mellon University has developed a robot that can fill the gap of the absent salesperson

Every recorded earthquake of magnitude 4 of higher since 1898

100 Years of Earthquakes On One Gorgeous Map

Rock out on the Fourth with Max Impact, the premier band of the United States Air Force.

Events July 3-5: Flag Folding, Celebrate the Fourth, Explore the Heirloom Garden

Kick off the Fourth of July celebration this week with flag folding, a concert and a tour of the Heirloom Garden


The New York Fire Department Is Burning 20 Houses Down — On Purpose

The temple at the Met, in New York City.

Four Places to Worship Isis That Aren’t In Egypt

Bar-headed goose with a Mount Everest-simulating air mask.

Extreme Geese Reveal High-Altitude Secrets in Wind Tunnel


The Genetic Engineering Plan to Turn Trees Black and Cool the World


Virtual Pigeon Attracts, Baffles Randy Males


Unfolding the AIDS Memorial Quilt at the Folklife Festival


The DC Derecho of 2012

A devastating storm swept through Washington Friday night. By Saturday morning we were all left wondering, "what in the world had happened?"

Against a backdrop of Quilt blocks commemorating artists, The NAMES Performers present work showcasing community responses to HIV/AIDS in theater, music, dance, and design.

July 1: Today’s Events at the Folklife Festival

Today at the Folklife Festival: tea dance, African heritage dancers and drummers, and Hungarian roma music

As a child diagnosed with autism, Temple Grandin assumed that everybody thought in photo-realistic pictures.

Temple Grandin on a New Approach for Thinking About Thinking

The famed author and advocate for people with autism looks at the differences in how the human mind operates

Children who are better at pretending could reason better about counterfactuals—they were better at thinking about different possibilities.

Let the Children Play, It's Good for Them!

A leading researcher in the field of cognitive development says when children pretend, they’re not just being silly—they’re doing science

Scientists are finding the mind gets sharper at a number of vitally important abilities as you get older.

What is So Good About Growing Old

Forget about senior moments. The great news is that researchers are discovering some surprising advantages of aging


Man or Computer? Can You Tell the Difference?

Could you be fooled by a computer pretending to be human? Probably

Choking may be most painful in sports, where athletes bungle moves they've spent a lifetime perfecting.

The Science of Choking Under Pressure

With amateurs and pros clamoring for answers, a psychologist who studies screw-ups comes through in the clutch

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