
Hear the voices of the Navy this Friday at the Air and Space Museum, where the Navy Band Sea Chanters and The Anchor Sisters will perform.

Events June 28-30: Navy Band Sea Chanters, Hungarian Folk Dance and ‘Cold War’

This weekend, listen to Navy sea chanteys, dance like a Hungarian and check the Hong Kong action-thriller "Cold War" on the big screen

American South

A Cutting-Edge Second Look at the Battle of Gettysburg

New technology has given us the chance to re-examine how the Civil War battle was won and lost


After 103 Years, the Natural History Museum Finally Gets Its Own Tyrannosaurus rex

The “Wankel Rex,” discovered in Montana in 1988, is one of just a dozen complete skeletons worldwide


Your Choice of Spoon Changes the Taste of Your Food

White yogurt eaten from a white spoon was deemed sweeter, more expensive and denser than a similar yogurt that was dyed pink.


Fin Whale Unsure Whether It Wubs Dubstep Remix of Its Conversation

Fin whale calls can be detected by seismic networks, and because this is the internet, there is obviously a remix

Our uncommon shoulder flexibility allows us to throw extremely fast, as compared to other primates—a trait we likely evolved  two million years ago to aid with hunting.

How the Human Body Evolved to Throw Fastballs

Our shoulder flexibility allows us to hurl things at high speeds compared to other primates—a trait we likely evolved for hunting two million years ago

A Slight Zap to the Brain Makes Everyone Appear More Attractive

After getting zapped, participants experienced a boost of dopamine - a chemical associated with how we judge people's attractiveness


Phnom Pehn Has 1.5 Million People, And One Bird Scientists Had Never Seen Before

This bird was distinguished by differences in coloring and by its faster and more complicated song

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Photos of MLK at Work: The Civil Rights Leader Before and After His “I Have a Dream” Speech

The National Portrait Gallery looks at the work of Martin Luther King beyond his most famous hour


What Do America’s Gay Families Get Now That DOMA Is Dead?

What does the repeal of DOMA mean for American's legally married gay couples?


Plants Do Math Every Single Day

Math, the researchers say, is a vital component of a plant's ability to grow and thrive

A wedding procession moves from the groom’s house to the bride’s house in Szék/Sic, Transylvania.

June 26: Today’s Events at the Folklife Festival

Check out today's events at the Folklife Festival, including Russian dance, black fashion and sing-alongs


What Was in the Mysterious Woman Suffrage Party Safe Box?

For as long as anyone can remember, the safe box - marked simply "Woman Suffrage Party" has sat in the council's New York City office


How Solar Can Save India’s Farmers

Water pumps powered by the sun could solve a host of problems for rural farmers and the nation’s power grid


Educating Americans for the 21st Century

The Scientist Comes to the Classroom

Partnerships that pair schools and working scientists are helping kids think about science—and science careers—in ways they never imagined


Panorama: The New York Skyline

Explore the city's many neighborhoods in this breathtaking flyover

Blue tits being winter piggies.

Birds That Gorge Themselves in Winter Have Fewer Chicks in Spring

The well-fed birds' babies were smaller and weighed less than the chicks belonging to birds that had to scrape by during the cold months on their own wits


Get the Folklife Festival in a Single App

Get schedules, maps and more for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival with a new app for your iPhone or Android


One of Our Nearest Neighbor Stars Has At Least Six Planets, And Three May Be Habitable

Three potentially habitable planets orbit a star just 22 light years away

One day, these will be laughably large.

Batteries Are Now Unbelievably Tiny

A group from Harvard and the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana figured out how to print tiny batteries, no bigger than a grain of sand

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