
Review: The State of the Planet's Oceans


Happy Pi Day!

In honor of Pi Day this year, I present the first 2009 digits of Pi


Picture of the Week—Underwater Tiger

Creationists Visit the Natural History Museum

Everyone is welcome at the Smithsonian Institution, though we locals may grumble when our museums start to fill up with tourists in the spring

A gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park.

Wolves to Lose Protection in Idaho and Montana

Since the first wolves were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park in 1995, the population has grown to 1,500 or more


Too Many Choices at the Environmental Film Festival


These Magnets Can Hurt


Picture of the Week—Lake Disappointment

The colors in this picture remind me of Vincent van Gogh, but it’s not a painting


The Disappearing Arctic Coastline

For this month’s collection of 15 Must-See Endangered Cultural Treasures, I wrote about Herschel Island, on the coast of the Canadian Yukon


Unexpected Considerations for the Home Funeral

Komodo dragon

Komodo Dragons: Cute, Deadly or Both?

A vegetable garden and less bottled water can help turn the White House "green."

Energy Efficiency at the White House

How environmental change can begin at the president's home

In 1908, the whaling industry collapsed and Herschel Island was deserted.

Endangered Site: Herschel Island, Canada

An abandoned island off the coast of the Yukon Territory holds a unique place in the history of the Pacific whaling industry

Geoduck can be blanched, stir-fried or cooked up in chowder.

How to Cook a Geoduck

It not only doesn't taste like chicken, it's not even poultry. Learn how to cook a geoduck, a large clam


Picture of the Week—the Atmospheric Phenomenon Sprite


Climate Change Rap

What's your take on this? Dorky? Effective?(Hat tip to the Knight Science Journalism Tracker)


Debunking Dowsing


Meerkats and Ground Squirrels Live Together, Respond to Threat Differently


Picture of the Week—Giant Kelp


Green Inspiration at the Top of the Sears Tower

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