How Did an Ottoman War Camel End Up in an Austrian Basement?

Archaeologists think they have solved the mystery

The newfound ruins could outshine their neighbor, the underground city of Derinkuyu (pictured).

Archaeologists Unfold World's Largest Underground City in Turkey

Archaeologists find evidence to believe a site just discovered in 2012 could be a complex subsurface labyrinth

A shaman collects roots to prepare ayahuasca in Iquitos, Peru.

Amazonian Hallucinogen Could Be an Antidepressant

Drinking Ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic tea, could change the concentration serotonin in the brain

Urchins Could Be the Next Victim of Sea Star Wasting Disease

The virus that has struck out Pacific sea star populations could now be affecting their Echinoderm cousins

Could NASA Stop on the Moon on the Way to Mars?

NASA's chief of human exploration thinks we'll need a pit stop en route to the fiery planet

A Sixth Sense Could Help the Blind "See"

In a new study, blind rats could get around by directly incorporating geomagnetic information

Test Tube Burgers Get a $324,989 Price Cut

The scientists behind lab-grown meat think they can soon offer it at a price most of us can actually afford

NYC Has So Many Coyotes Living There, They've Started Going to Bars

New York's urban coyote population is booming — this week, one even ended up on top of a Long Island bar.

A Group of Endangered Orcas Has Gotten Busy Making Babies

Southern Resident killer whales have been on the decline, but new babies bring hope for the future

3D Printing Could Help Developing Countries Predict Natural Disasters

The development of more affordable, 3D printed equipment could save lives

This Onion Will Never Make You Cry

A Japanese food company has designed an onion that won't make you cry

Isaac Newton’s Laundry List of Sin

The famous physicist kept a catalog of very human transgressions

Scientists Predict Obesity Rates by Examining Sewage Microbes

The microbial makeup of a city's sewage can indicate its population's physique

Spending Too Much Time on Homework Linked to Lower Test Scores

A new study suggests the benefits to homework peak at an hour a day. After that, test scores decline.

Population Growth Can Warm a City As Much As Climate Change

Urbanization in California's Central Valley could raise local temperatures an extra one to two degrees Celcius

Pandas Actually Hang Out Together

GPS tracking data sheds light on giant pandas secretive societies

Crossing Your Fingers Could Reduce Pain (No Lie)

Researchers find the spatial arrangement of our digits affects the sensations they feel

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