Two Scientists Share Credit for the Theory of Evolution. Darwin Got Famous; This Biologist Didn’t.

When the Linnean Society of London hears the case for natural selection in 1858, Darwin shared credit with biologist A.R. Wallace

Some Olympic Athletes Have To Crowd-Source Money to Get to Russia

While Olympic athletes may be our heroes, they aren't getting rich off their work, and some have to crowd-source funding for their trips to Sochi

Every Year, a Swedish Town Builds a Giant Straw Goat, And People Just Can't Help Burning It Down

In the 47 years that the town has erected Gävlebocken, it's been set on fire 26 times

How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill?

The giant spinning turbines are basically bird death traps - and often they cut through prime flying space making the carnage even worse

Don't let the badges fool you - most people are willing to cheat.

It’s Not That Hard to Make People Do Bad Things

How many people do you think you'd have to approach before you could convince one to tell a lie?

Peruse the Weird Medical History of Every Single U.S. President

From John Adams's baldness to James Madison's frostbite to Herbert Hoover's handshake problems, learn about the ailments of the presidents

Imagining Eating Cookies Makes You Eat More Cookies

Even if you think a lot about eating fruit, it won't be enough to make you actually grab that apple

Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space, and Yuri Gagarin

Soviet Russia Had a Better Record of Training Women in STEM Than America Does Today

Perhaps it's time for the United States to take a page from the Soviet book just this one time

Being able to identify people based on their skulls is a key part of forensic anthropology. The problem is that no one has ever really tested how good we are at it.

Can You Match These Skulls? Many Experts Can’t

Only 56 percent of forensic anthropologists can correctly pair up two images of the same skull when given two profile images

Animals use one of two different mechanisms, bioluminescence and fluorescence, to light up.

This One Little Video Will Help You Understand Fireflies Better Forever

Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction that happens and creates light. Fluorescence requires lights to be seen

In New York City, you can even get a late pass from the MTA to show your skeptical boss.

The NYC Subways Will Give You a Late Slip If Your Train Is Delayed

In New York City you can even get a late pass from the MTA to show your skeptical boss

Sharks Can Sense When Your Back Is Turned

New research suggests that sharks can sense where you can't see, and will approach just outside your field of vision

Drivers Are More Likely to Brake at Yellow Lights If They've Just Seen a Depressing Billboard

After seeing positive or neutral ads before a yellow light, drivers were more likely to run it. But after negative ads, they were more likely to break

This is how many days I have left.

Can This App Predict Your Death?

When are you going to die? You probably don't know the answer to that question - but if you download this app you could find out. Sort of

A Google Doodle That Honors Computer Programmer Grace Hopper

Hopper was a U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, and in 1959 she helped create COBOL—a program that the military and banks still use today

Can Crowds Predict the Future?

You probably shouldn't rely on crowd wisdom to make personal decisions, but when it comes to global outcomes, the crowd might be smarter than you think

Why Do Moose Fight So Much?

The point isn't actually to gore the other moose with your antlers, but rather to push harder and show that you're stronger

New York Might Never Top the 1949 Rockefeller Center Tree

Although this years tree will have far more lights (45,000 in total) it won't be quite the silver, spinning whirlwind of 1949

Seattle Seahawks Fans Caused an Earthquake This Week

Seattle fans take pride their stadium and ability to be loud. But to anyone's knowledge, the 12th Man causing an earthquake is a first

This Group Knows You've Committed a Crime And Wants to Hear All About It

Have you ever committed a crime? Stop lying, you definitely have

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