Barkley L. Hendricks, "Icon for My Man Superman (Superman Never Saved any Black People – Bobby Seale)," 1969

Revolutionary Black Artists of the Civil Rights Era Get Exhibition in the UK

"Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power" features iconic works alongside pieces that have long been overlooked by the mainstream

Scientists Store Video Clip in DNA of Living Cells

This first could lead to health-monitoring molecular recorders inside cells

The flea-market Enigma machine

WWII Enigma Machine Found at Flea Market Sells for $51,000

The legendary coding machine was first unearthed by a mathematician with a careful eye who purchased it for roughly $114

How Fire Ants Build Incredible Writhing Towers

Using X-rays, researchers find simple rules help the ants raise each other up, which could be useful in robotics

Astronomers Find the Smallest Star Yet

The faint orb is just a smidgen bigger than Saturn and around 2,000 to 3,000 times dimmer than our own sun

Two views of the curvy "Venus of Hohle Fels."

World's Oldest Figurative Art is Now an Official World Treasure

The new Unesco world heritage site spans six caves located in the Swabian Alps in Germany

One of the tablets found at the fort

Cache of Roman Messages Found Near Hadrian's Wall

The 25 well-preserved wooden tablets include a soldier's request for time off

The Lenox Madeira

New Jersey Museum Discovers Stash of Madeira from 1796

Liberty Hall Museum owns the wine and will decide if anyone will be allowed to sample the Revolutionary libation

The women faced temperatures of almost -50 degrees Fahrenheit, blasting winds and ever-changing ice conditions.

The Amazing Story of the First All-Women North Pole Expedition

Answering an ad in a newspaper, 20 amateur explorers attempted to ski from Arctic Canada to the top of the world

Genetically Modified Moth May Soon Be Coming to New York Crops

The move is an attempt to limit crop damage by the diamondback moth

The pale tiger found in Tamil Nadu

Stunning Images Capture Rare Pale Tiger in India

An unusual genetic combination likely led to the creature's exceptionally light coloration

One of the cuneiform tablets handed over by Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby Hands Over 5,500 Illegally Imported Artifacts

In 2010, the arts-and-crafts retailer purchased thousands of cultural artifacts smuggled from Iraq

The Bonneville Crater on Mars

Mars Surface May Be Too Toxic for Microbial Life

The combination of UV radiation and perchlorates common on Mars could be deadly for bacteria

The Hohlenstein-Stadel femur

Humans May Have Bred With Neanderthals Much Earlier Than Previously Thought

DNA from a Neanderthal femur is offering new clues to ancient interactions

The hearth Hemings may have warmed herself by in Monticello's south wing.

Sally Hemings Gets Her Own Room at Monticello

A renovation at Thomas Jefferson's estate will give the slave he likely fathered at least six children with a display in what may have been her quarters

One of the mine-hunting dolphins being retrained to find vaquita porpoises

Mexico Will Use Dolphins to Herd the Endangered Vaquita to Safety

Mine-hunting dolphins will help researchers transfer the remaining creatures into marine sanctuaries

All of these images were created by the neural networks

AI Project Produces New Styles of Art

Researchers let two neural networks critique each other to create the images

The Huey Tzompantli

Aztec "Skull Tower" Contains Remains of Women and Children

The tzompantli were once believed to only contain the skulls of conquered male warriors

Kemper County coal gasification plant

Major "Clean Coal" Project in Mississippi Shuts Down

Billions over budget and three years behind, the Kemper County coal gasification project will now produce electricity using natural gas

A pin-tailed whydah in Africa

This Beautiful Species Could Be Trouble for Native Birds

Analysis shows that the parasitic pin-tailed whydah could impact native birds in the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern U.S.

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