If you open a warm bottle of bubbly, pay close attention to the cloud that rolls out of the neck of the bottle. Over 68 degrees Fahrenheit, it will turn blue.

Opening Warm Champagne Leads to a Pop of Blue

This flash of color is caused by the same process that colors the sky with its blue hues

Stanislav Yevgrafovich in Petrov, Friazino, on October 30, 2011.

Man Who Saved the World From Nuclear Annihilation Dies at 77

In 1983, Soviet lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov kept his cool and reported a U.S. missile strike as a false alarm, preventing a massive counterstrike

The Abajo Mountains in Bears Ears National Monument

Interior Secretary Recommends Shrinking Six National Monuments

The review, which has been leaked, also suggests changes in uses and/or management of several other monuments

White giraffes found in Kenya

Two Rare White Giraffes Filmed in Kenya

The leucistic mother and baby were filmed by local rangers in August

Brazil Investigates Alleged Murders of "Uncontacted" Amazon Tribe Members

Gold miners were heard in a bar talking about killing 10 indigenous people in the remote Javari Valley

An image from Cassini's first dive through the gap between Saturn and its rings in April.

What Cassini's Daring Dives Have Taught Us About Saturn

Before the probe's final plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere, here’s a look back at what we’ve learned so far

One of the Roman cavalry swords recovered from Vindolanda

Rare Roman Cavalry Swords And Toys Unearthed Along Hadrian's Wall

The newly discovered artifacts are the latest discovery at Vindolanda, once a remote outpost of the Roman empire

Researchers Find 98-Million-Year-Old Horned Vampire Ant Encased in Amber

A newly described species of Hell Ant impaled its tiny victims on its reinforced horn and may have slurped up their bug blood

Tattoo Ink May Stain Your Lymph Nodes

But more research is needed to determine whether this is actually a bad thing

This illustration shows NASA's Cassini Spacecraft above Saturn's northern hemisphere.

Celebrate Cassini's Historic Voyage in Eight Incredible Images

After 13 years of exploration, one of NASA's most successful probes will crash into Saturn's atmosphere

Skybolt 2 launch

Rocket Powered by Recycled Tires and Hope Launches in the U.K.

With a successful test of the Skybolt 2 rocket, Starchaser Industries takes a step towards sending tourists into space

Cargo Ships May Double Lightning Strikes in Their Path

Ship exhaust impacts cloud formation, which may influence lightning over busy shipping lanes

New Kingdom Goldsmith's Tomb Discovered in Egypt

The tomb of Amenemhat and his wife Amenhotep includes a statue of the couple, mummies, statues and funerary masks

How a "Snowman" Lasted the Entire Summer In Chicago

The icy Fischli/Weiss art installation on top of the Art Institute survived the swelter of the Windy City and will go on display next in San Francisco

Got Writer's Block? Try Listening to Happy Music

A new study suggests that an upbeat tune can boost creativity

Inostrancevia, devouring a Pareiasaurus,
Alexei Petrovich Bystrow, 1933

Two Centuries of Dinosaur Art Come Alive in This Gorgeous New Book

<i>Paleoart</i> traces historic depictions of T. rex, mastodons and other ancient creatures through an artistic lens

Now You Can Read the Earliest-Known Latin Commentary on the Gospels in English

The commentary of Italian bishop Fortunatianus of Aquileia was lost for 1,500 years before it was rediscovered in 2012

The original Pooh sketch

New Book Unearths the Earliest Sketch of Winnie-the-Pooh

The rotund little drawing, based on E.H. Shepard's son's teddy bear Growler, was found in a pile of the artist's 'rubbish'

Harvey's Next Danger: Massive Mosquito Clouds

Standing water is breeding billions of post-hurricane mosquitoes, which could transmit diseases like the West Nile Virus

X9 solar flare emitted by the sun

NASA Captures Strongest Solar Flare in a Decade

This morning, the sun emitted two X-class flares, disrupting GPS and radio signals

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