
Lessons from the Mall

From courses to cruises, the Smithsonian has educational and cultural adventures for everyone


Singing Our Praises

With creativity and a vast collection, the Smithsonian has become a leader in preserving our musical heritage


Museum Networking

Whether at the Nobel Prize awards or at the opening of the new Getty center, the Smithsonian has a vital role


Museums and Marketing

As philanthropy ebbs, the Smithsonian Council advises prudence in our search for corporate sponsorship


Joseph Henry's Legacy

A man of science and compromise, the Smithsonian's first Secretary laid the foundation for success


Pipelines to the Public

Through innovative outreach programs, the Smithsonian extends its resources far and wide

Ahmad Lahauri is believed to have been the main architect of the Taj Mahal.

An Illustrated History of a Mughal Emperor

The opulent paintings in the "King of the World" exhibition bring the reign of the Taj Mahal builder to life and incite a passion for learning


Our New Gem Hall is a Jewel, Indeed


Smithsonian Perspectives

Smithsonian Perspectives

Smithsonian Institution Archives

A Treasury of Archives

Though seldom seen by the public, the Smithsonian's vast repositories are vital to the institution


Smithsonian Perspectives

Through object-based education and other programs, the Smithsonian reaches out to teachers and students


Smithsonian Perspectives

A patriarch of flight, Paul Garber devoted his Smithsonian career to the preservation of historic aircraft


Smithsonian Perspectives

The Smithsonian's gardens and greenery are things of beauty and delight as well as utility


Smithsonian Perspectives

The Smithsonian takes its experts and scholars on the road in its new Voices of Discovery program


Smithsonian Perspectives

As financial demands soar, the Institution seeks corporate dollars while safeguarding its integrity


Smithsonian Perspectives

In the ever-expanding field of anthropology, the Smithsonian still excels in research and exhibition


Smithsonian Perspectives

"Red, Hot & Blue," a new exhibition saluting the American musical, is an invigorating example of the Smithsonian's mission to illuminate our past


Smithsonian Perspectives

Over 150 years, the Smithsonian has evolved as a visitor-friendly place that reflects a diverse nation


Smithsonian Perspectives

The Smithsonian is uniquely suited to run long-range research programs that monitor the state of the natural world


Smithsonian Perspectives

Coins from James Smithson's bequest created the Institution; on our anniversary, commemorative coins from the U.S. Mint will help it to continue

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