A restoration of Gigantspinosaurus.

G is for Gigantspinosaurus

Gigantspinosaurus had enormous shoulder spikes, but what were these ornaments used for?


Stegosaurus Plate Debate

Stegosaurus is immediately recognizable for its prominent plates, but why did these structures actually evolve?


What Kind of Dinosaur is Coming to Dinner?

Everyone knows that birds are dinosaurs, but what kind of dinosaur is your holiday turkey?


What’s the Secret of Hadrosaur Skin?

Were extra-thick hides the secret to why paleontologists have found so much fossilized hadrosaur skin?


Paleontologists Puzzle Over Possible Dinosaur Bones

When did dinosaurs start to become giants? Enigmatic bone fragments found in England complicate the debate

The giant sauropod Futalognkosaurus (at left) with some of its Cretaceous neighbors.

F is for Futalognkosaurus

Though not as famous as other huge dinosaurs, Futalognkosaurus is the most complete giant sauropod ever found

Only hindlimb elements of Alnashetri are known so far, but, based on the dinosaur’s relationships, the tiny theropod probably looked something like this Alvarezsaurus.

Cretaceous Legs Give Away New Dinosaur

Slender limb bones found in Argentina give away a new species of tiny dinosaur

A reconstruction of an Einiosaurus skull in a ceratopsid gallery at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.

Lessons from Einiosaurus

New dinosaurs are always cause for excitement, but the real joy of paleontology is investigating dinosaur lives


Peering Inside Dinosaur Skin

Dinosaur skin impressions aren't as rare as you might think, but how they form is a mystery


Tracking Dinosaurs With Ray Stanford

Amateur paleontologist Ray Stanford has a great talent for tracking Maryland's Cretaceous dinosaurs

The reconstructed skull of Eotriceratops. The actual specimen is not complete, but, based on the recovered elements and the dinosaur’s relationships, we know the dinosaur would have looked similar to Triceratops.

E is for Eotriceratops

The recently discovered Eotriceratops might yield important clues about how the famous Triceratops evolved


Paleontologists Welcome Xenoceratops to the Ceratopsian Family Tree

Canadian researchers found the horned dinosaur hiding in storage

Crocodylians are the last living representatives of the crocodylomorpha, an even bigger group that originated over 205 million years ago.

The Top 10 Greatest Survivors of Evolution

Travel back millions of years in your time machine and you’d find some of these species thriving and looking much as they do today


Piecing Together Eolambia

Paleontologists uncover a new look for one of Cretaceous Utah's most common dinosaurs, Eolambia

Mamenchisaurus, one of the longest-necked dinosaurs of all time, perfectly represents the bizarre nature of sauropods.

Did Sauropods Have Built-In Swamp Coolers?

Paleobiologists are still trying to figure out how large sauropods prevented themselves from overheating

The upper and lower jaws of Duriavenator, illustrated when they were thought to belong to Megalosaurus, in A History of British Fossil Reptiles Vol. II.

Finding Duriavenator

Jaws once thought to be from Megalosaurus belong instead to this little-known species

The dinosaur William Parks described as Dyoplosaurus, showing where the bones would have fit on the actual animal.

D is for Dyoplosaurus

A hidden ankylosaur species changes how paleontologists understand the evolution of North America's Late Cretaceous dinosaurs

In this restoration by Emiliano Troco, a Sauroniops feeds on a juvenile Spinosaurus. (And yes, all the dinosaurs in this image are fluffy.)

New Dinosaur Discovered – Named After the Demonic Sauron from Lord of the Rings

A bizarre skull fragment hints at a new species of giant predatory dinosaur from Morocco

Many Allosaurus bones have been found with fractures and other pathologies, but were any of these injuries caused by falls?

Following Dinosaur Falls

Dinosaurs undoubtedly slipped and fell. But did they leave any evidence of their mishaps in the fossil record?


What Scared Dinosaurs? The Terror Croc

Deinosuchus, an enormous alliagtoroid, undoubtedly gave dinosaurs much to fear

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