African American History

The Gullah Geechee perform an ancestral ceremony on Sullivan's Island.

Summertime for Gershwin

In the South, the Gullah struggle to keep their traditions alive

The African American DNA Roots Project is a molecular anthropology study designed to match African American lineages with those in West Africa, a region from which many slaves were taken.

Family Ties

African Americans use scientific advances to trace their roots

Ray Charles' Ray-Bans, his celebrity trademark, are held in the collections of the National Museum of American History.

Ray Charles' Fusion of Gospel and Blues Changed the Face of American Popular Music

A visionary virtuoso, Charles made brilliance look easy

Slave hire badges. 
National Museum of American History

Copper Neck Tags Evoke the Experience of American Slaves Hired Out as Part-Time Laborers

From the mid-18th century to the end of the Civil War, owners marketed the labor and skills of their slaves


Images of African-Americans Illuminate a Proud Past


Making Art Accessible

Roslyn Walker plans to extend the African museum into the classroom and send exhibits on the road

Buffalo soldiers of the 25th Infantry, some wearing buffalo robes, Ft. Keogh, Montana

Buffalo Soldiers

For decades, African-American Regulars were the most effective troops on the western frontier

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Always Knew He Was Meant to Be Free

Taking to the podium throughout his life,the former slave fought with tireless eloquenceto "secure the Blessings of Liberty" for all

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