

Watch Five Years of the Sun’s Explosions

A camera on the Hinode spacecraft has recorded the sun's X-rays for five years


Whatever Happened to Sociologists?

Sociology wasn't always the brunt of jokes from other scientists

Models indicate that climate change will cause more frequent hurricanes, but the overall trend can’t be linked with a particular event, such as Hurricane Sandy (above, on October 29).

Can We Link Hurricane Sandy to Climate Change?

Models indicate that climate change will cause more frequent and intense hurricanes, but the overall trend can't be linked with any particular storm


Teaching Physics with a Massive Game of Mouse Trap

Mark Perez and his troupe of performers tour the country, using a life-sized version of the popular game to explain simple machines

This is the Lambda Centauri nebula, a star-forming cloud in our Milky Way galaxy, also known as the Running Chicken nebula.

Alpha Centauri Has a Planet

A newly discovered planet circling Alpha Centauri is only four light years away and could point the way to habitable planets nearby


Sounding Smart with SmartNews: Your Cheat Sheet to the Nobels

Here, in Twitter-sized bites, are descriptions of the work that won the Nobel this week

An MIT study reveals that carbon dioxide directly reduces the strength of ice, regardless of temperature.

Bad News Chemistry: Carbon Dioxide Makes Ice Weaker

An MIT study reveals that carbon dioxide directly reduces the strength of ice, which has troubling implications for climate change


Today’s Physics Nobel Prize Didn’t Go to the Higgs

The winning research centers around figuring out the way light behaves at a very fundamental level - a field called "quantum optics"


Skydiver Plans to Break the Sound Barrier by Jumping From 120,000 Feet

Carried aloft by a giant helium balloon, Felix Baumgartner will free-fall from the stratosphere


This Is What Happens When a Black Hole Eats a Black Hole

A super-computer simulation calculates what happens when two black holes merge

David Blaine at a recent NYC performance.

David Blaine’s Going to Have 1 Million Volts of Electricity Shot at Him for 72 Hours


Isaac Newton’s Death Mask: Now Available in Digital 3D

Using a mask made upon the great physicist's death, scientists created a 3D scan of Newton's visage


If We Had Followed This Plan, We’d Be Living on Mars By Now

If you think Curiosity is exciting, imagine where we could have been if someone had put these guys in charge


Top 5 “Science Done Right” Moments in Movies

Directors take note: scientist and author David Kirby commends the accuracy in these popular films


Slinkys Can Float in the Air (For a Second)

Further proof that Slinkys are magical


The Physics of Eating Candy

For certain sweet treats, researchers found, patient indulgers can enjoy a single piece of candy for up to nearly half an hour - so long as they resist the urge to bite or chew


Slept Through Physics? Maybe It Doesn’t Matter

Does sleeping through physics - or math class for that matter - really make a difference to your life?

An electron scanning micrograph of the molecule-weighing device. When a molecule lands on the bridge-like portion at the center, it vibrates at a frequency that indicates its mass.

New Device Can Measure the Mass of a Single Molecule

Caltech scientists have created an ultra-sensitive device that can weigh an individual molecule for the first time


The Laboratory of Nikola Tesla, One of History’s Greatest Scientists, Is Up For Sale

Nikola Tesla invented a device that uses lightning to play music. No, seriously


The Man who “Discovered” Cold Fusion Just Passed Away

Martin Fleischmann, who in 1989 claimed to have discovered cold fusion, died in his home in England on Friday, August 3rd, following a long battle with Parkinson's disease.

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