Smithsonian Voices

From the Smithsonian Museums

Inside the Zoo: How Staff Rallied for an Abandoned Baby Monkey

When the Zoo's newest Allen's swamp monkey was rejected by his mother after birth, a team of staffers stepped up to care for the infant while he was young.

Three female African lions rest in the sun and shade in a grassy area along a wood-panel fence

How Zookeepers Care for Aging Lions

Bald eagles are native to the United States, but caring for them is a unique and rare opportunity. Every bald eagle in human care, including Annie pictured here, is a rescue.

Meet Rescued Bald Eagles Tioga and Annie

Western lowland gorilla Moke eating a snack

The Science Behind Animal Snacks

The cassowary's helmet-like casque is made of keratin, the same material that makes up our hair and fingernails.

Meet Cassowary Brothers Irwin and Dundee, Descendants of Dinosaurs