
A NASA satellite image shows Hurricane Iselle approaching Hawaii, with Hurricane Julio hot on its heels.

What Happens When a Hurricane Meets a Volcano?

When Iselle crosses the Big Island of Hawaii, it will offer a rare glimpse at a clash of the titans

Mount Fuji is beautiful when viewed from a distance. But it is also an active volcano that, if it erupts, could displace more than a million people in Japan.

What Makes A Volcano Dangerous? People

Millions of people worldwide live in the shadows of dangerous volcanoes

A hot spring in Yellowstone National Park

Yes, Yellowstone's Roads Just Melted. No, There's No Reason to Panic

Yellowstone's melting roads, while neat, aren't as unusual as you'd think

There’s a Very Good Reason Explosives Are Being Set Off on Mount St. Helens

The explosions will let geologists peek inside the volcano's magma chamber

The stolen diamond looked nothing like these

This May Have Been the Worst Diamond Heist in History

An Albuquerque museum was robbed of a diamond that was returned the next day

Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat, by Simon de Myle

Ten Ancient Stories and the Geological Events That May Have Inspired Them

If you dig deep enough, say scientists, you can find some truth to legends and creation stories

The Lake, Petworth: Sunset, Fighting Bucks, painted by J.M.W. Turner around 1829, was one of several works studied to see if there was a connection between the colors used in the image and volcanic particles in the atmosphere at the time of the painting's creation.

How Paintings of Sunsets Immortalize Past Volcanic Eruptions

The balance of reds and greens reflects the amount of tiny particles in the atmosphere, scientists say

Aerial Views of Iceland's Volcanic Rivers

Andre Ermolaev's photographs of Iceland's volcanic rivers can look more like abstract paintings

Plumes of steam rise up from many spots along the Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone Belches Ancient Helium

Gas stored in the Earth’s crust for hundreds of millions of years is released by volcanic hotspot

Five years ago, a team of scientists in Iceland, drilling deep within the Earth’s crust, hit upon molten rock.

Can Volcanic Magma Power The Future?

Scientists in Iceland have figured out how to create geothermal energy from super-hot molten rock

A pair of Ammonite fossils, about 4 inches across, within a limestone bed very close to the Permian-Triassic boundary.

How Long Does Mass Extinction Take?

By figuring out the timing and rate of the world's most massive extinction 252 million years ago, scientists hope to figure out how such lethal events work

Why Does This Indonesian Volcano Burn Bright Blue?

Olivier Grunewald's dramatic photos showcase blue flames—not blue lava—that result from burning sulfur

Typical entombment poses of some of the Jehol Biota’s animals (a Psittacosaurus (a) and primitive crow-like birds (b and c))—the same poses displayed by other victims of erupting volcanoes throughout history.

The “Pompeii of Animals” Shows Dinosaurs, Mammals and Early Birds in Their Death Throes

A lethal volcanic explosion is identified as the culprit behind a mysterious mass death of creatures that took place around 125 million years ago

Inside the volcano's round chamber, Jonas Lohmann and two other graduate students from the Brandenburg Technical University doused fires with lighter fluid and smoke powder to create the columns of smoke that streamed from the volcano all afternoon and evening.

That Time a German Prince Built an Artificial Volcano

A 18th century German prince visited Mt. Vesuvius and built a replica of it. 200 years later, a chemistry professor brings it back to life

Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, better known as Semiconductor, are developing a multimedia piece about volcanologists.

Semiconductor on Volcanic Inspiration

The British performance artists discuss how their research on volcanoes will inform their newest works

"It's like a mystery novel," says veteran volcanologist Richard Fiske of his field work. "We're uncovering clues."

FOR HIRE: Volcanologist

Richard Fiske discusses his groundbreaking work

An image of Augustine erupting on January 13, 2006, from about 50 miles away from the volcano.

Volcanic Lightning

As sparks flew during the eruption of Mount St. Augustine in Alaska, scientists made some new discoveries


Keepers of the Flames

Breathing Fire


When Magma's On the Move

In California's Long Valley, the earth trembles every day where a volcano once exploded

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