Climate Change


Picture of the Week—Great Barrier Reef

When I visited friends in Australia earlier this year, I made visiting the Great Barrier Reef a priority


Missing: Arctic Rubber Duckies

Missing: 90 yellow rubber duckies dropped into a moulin (a tubular hole) in a melting Greenland glacier approximately three months ago


Clean Coal Advice From Doctor Who

We have gotten conflicting information on clean coal—that mythic technology that would let us burn all the coal we want without any carbon emissions


The Mystery of the Missing Acorns

I was surprised to read in the Washington Post yesterday that oak trees from northern Virginia to Nova Scotia failed to produce any acorns this year


And the Next Species Predicted to Be Lost to Climate Change is…

…the antilopine wallaroo, a type of kangaroo that lives in wet, tropical areas of Australia


Arctic Dispatch: A Thaw in the Arctic Tundra

Researchers at the Toolik Field Station study thermokarst to understand the ecological effects of climate change

The aptly-named town of Coldfoot

Arctic Dispatch: A Toolik Farewell

After leaving Toolik, the team finds points of interest on the road back to Fairbanks


Arctic Dispatch: Looking at the Lakes

Alaska’s Arctic lakes are a source of methane experiments for a warming planet

The always-popular sauna in Toolik

Arctic Dispatch: The Toolik Way of Life

Gourmet fare, live music and 24-hour Arctic summer sun make life in Toolik hard to beat

Toolik Field Station is located north of the Arctic Circle.

Arctic Dispatch: Reaching Toolik

Journalist Christine Dell’Amore travels to Alaska’s Toolik Field to observe the environmental changes occurring in the Arctic Circle

The team hikes to the research sites above Toolik Lake.

Arctic Dispatch: Playing With Permafrost

The first field tests in the tundra look at the effects of nitrogen levels on permafrost

A view from the Jade Mountain summit

Arctic Dispatch: The Hike Up Jade Mountain

After a day of experiments and ongoing mosquito battles, Christine Dell’Amore enjoys the view from the top

The team collects invertebrates from a heavily silted stream.

Arctic Dispatch: Exploring the Aufeis

Dell'Amore and her fellow researchers climb the aufeis and meet interesting insects

Marine Biological Laboratory research assistant Rich McHorney gets a sample core from the permafrost.

Arctic Dispatch: Thermokarst and Toolik

The team studies consequences of the Arctic’s warming temperatures

On the drive from Toolik, a view of the ocean and sun in the early morning hours

Arctic Dispatch: A Polar Bear Plunge

A trip to the oil-rich Prudhoe Bay region ends in an Arctic swim


Ground Thaw

Geographer Christopher Burn explains why permafrost is thawing

A gray reef shark swims over corals in remote Kingman Reef in the Line Islands. Researchers believe that a large number of sharks is indicative of healthy reefs.

Deep Trouble

Coral reefs are clearly struggling. The only debate for marine scientists is whether the harm is being done on a local or global scale


Turning the Tide

Our oceans are in trouble, says Nancy Knowlton. But it's not too late to do something about it

Nudibranchs (seaslugs) are favorite with amateur divers. The advent of SCUBA diving and digital photography has revolutionized how we document and describe these soft-bodied, shell-less gastropods.

Species Explosion

What happens when you mix evolution with climate change?

"If global warming's worst predictions come true in 100 years," says Fabio Carrera, "the real issue is preserving Venice as a liveable place—not stopping the occasional tide from coming in."

Venice's Uncertainty

A new floodgate system should protect the city from high tides—unless climate change interferes

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