
The aftermath of a bomb blast in Tel Aviv, 1996.

Living Under the Threat of Terrorism Might Shorten Lives

Constant fear of terrorist attacks is linked to elevated heart rates, which is a predictor of increased risk of death

The way cancer cells process zinc might help scientists identify a new biomarker.

Using Zinc to Detect Breast Cancer Early

Researchers at Oxford have taken the first step towards finding a new biomarker for breast cancer

Myth Busted: Americans Don’t Gain 10 Pounds Over the Holidays

It’s more like one

Congratulations, Humanity! We're Living Six Years Longer Than We Did in 1990, on Average

Global life expectancy is increasing, especially in the developing world

When Sperm Meets Egg, Zinc Sparks Fly

Billions of tiny zinc particles explode from the surface of mammalian eggs when a sperm cell touches down

A light therapy session in a German clinic.

The Dangers of Winter Darkness: Weak Bones, Depression and Heart Trouble

Long periods without sunshine can play a role in a surprising variety of physical and mental disorders


Bad Hangover? Blame It (Partly) On Your Parents

Susceptibility to hangovers is partly due to genetics

Superbugs Could Become a Top Cause of Death by 2050

If left unchecked, antibiotic-resistant bacteria could kill more people than cancer by 2050

The first crop for Local Roots Farms to grow is lettuce.

Turning Shipping Containers Into Urban Farms

In a clever recycling experiment, the startup Local Roots Farms is growing organic, hydroponic produce in America's food deserts

Frost on a sprig of European mistletoe.

Medical Mistletoe: Can the Holiday Plant Really Fight Cancer?

In some countries, cancer patients take mistletoe injections to ease symptoms, but the exact effects of the extracts are still up for debate

Lettuce is fine, just eat something else as well.

That Detox Diet Is Not Going to Rid Your Body of Toxins

It doesn't matter how many pureed veggies you drink, they won't vaporize those mysterious "poisons" you've heard about

That first dip into a hot spring may actually send chills over your skin.

Why Does Very Hot Water Sometimes Feel Cold?

The weird sensation known as paradoxical cold has scientists locked in a heated debate

Miracle fruit, or Synsepalum dulcificum, grows on bushy trees native to West Africa.

Can This Berry Solve Both Obesity and World Hunger?

At a playful café in Chicago, chef Homaro Cantu is experimenting with miracle fruit, a West African berry that makes everything a little sweeter

Public Bathroom Bacteria: Not as Gross as You'd Think

Public restrooms are of no more of a health risk than your own home

This Plant-Based Gel Stops Bleeding in Seconds

A salve that seals severe wounds is making its way to veterinary clinics. Military and trauma testing may soon follow

This relatives and friends of this 30-something-year-old woman suspected she might come back from the grave as a vampire, as indicated by the sickle placed directly across her neck, and meant to keep her in the ground.

The 17th-Century Polish Vampire Next Door

In 17th century Poland, people pegged as vampires weren't weirdo foreigners but locals who freaked their neighbors out

Heroin Use Is on the Rise Again, Thanks to Suburban White Users

OxyContin is heroin's new gateway drug, experts say

We Weigh the Most on Mondays

The weekend’s excesses can pack on a few extra pounds, but routine during the week tends to strip them away again

A Simple Way to Reduce Car Crashes: Start the High School Day Later

A later roll-call time for teens also means improved health, mood, and grades

Light Therapy May Work on Chronic Mood Disorders, Too

Sitting under fake sun could help heal chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, too

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