
Hurt says now when he visits soul food restaurants, he tends to fill his plate with vegetarian options, staying away from chicken and meats.

Is America a Nation of Soul Food Junkies?

Filmmaker Bryan Hurt explores what makes soul food so personal, starting with his own father's health struggle, in a PBS film premiering tonight

Brazilian Waxes Could Make Pubic Lice Go Extinct

Without pubic hair, people are that much safer from pubic lice

Can You Make Tea Out of Coffee?

Dyscalculia, Like Dyslexia for Numbers, Could Explain Why You Suck at Math

For some, knowing whether 5 is greater than 2 is a difficult task


Preparing for a Mission to Mars Is Dangerously Boring

One of the biggest challenges to a Mars mission is just how long it takes to get there


The Flu That’s Laying the Country Low Waited Nine Years to Strike

It's flu season again, but this year the bug going around isn't just your average illness

How Dangerous Is Hitting Another Human Being With Your Head?

How much damage does head butting really do?

A gonorrhea culture

Gonorrhea Mutates Into Treatment-Resistant Superbug

The world may be at the brink of an epidemic of drug-resistent gonorrhea, though simply using condoms could save the day


Therapeutic Poop Goes Synthetic

The synthetic feces is less icky than the natural variety and is a "super probiotic," aptly named RePOOPulate

Here’s How to Get Attention for Your Research About Hookworms

This research may have a silly title, but it does answer an important question of global significance


Old Christmas Trees Can Be Used to Clean Medical Equipment

Someday those pesky fallen needles may help save lives—or at least sterilize needles for annual flu shots

Mild Obesity May Not Be So Bad

A recent study finds that overweight or slightly obese people live longer than normal-weight people, but critics call foul on some of these conclusions

Hungover? There’s a Cure for That No Matter Where You Live

There are some things that are universal—trade, money, shelter, hangovers


The Science of Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Want to bolster your chances of actually staying true to your New Year's resolution, whatever it may be?


Some People Can Tickle Themselves

Just as schizophrenics may hear voices in their heads, they may also experience self-induced phantom tickling

Adam Lanza’s DNA Will Tell Us Nothing

Genetics is a powerful tool, but it will not tell us why Adam Lanza killed those people


Was Yasser Arafat Poisoned by Polonium?

In November, the body of Yasser Arafat was exhumed from beneath several feet of concrete to determine whether or not the leader had been poisoned by polonium 210


Why Do Placebos Work?

Researchers are trying to figure out just why the placebo effect works, and when doctors should use it


With Commercial Spaceflight Just Around the Corner, Are You Healthy Enough to Fly?

The price of a ride to space is dropping, but is your body ready?

Instead of Dieting After the Holidays, Take the Bus

Driving just 1 mile less per day is more effective at reducing weight than cutting back on 100 calories per day

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