
While spiders can have up to eight eyes, daddy longlegs, which belong to a different order of arachnids called harvestmen, usually have just two eyes.

Daddy Longlegs Have Four Extra, Hidden Eyes, Researchers Say

The new discovery could help scientists unravel the mystery of how the arachnids evolved across some 537 million years

Joro spiders aren't particularly bothered by the vibrations of a busy city environment.

Joro Spiders, Spreading in the Southeast, Can Survive Surprisingly Well in Cities

Unlike most spiders, the hustle and bustle of urban areas doesn’t seem to disturb the non-native Joros, a new study finds

Hercules measures 7.9 centimeters from foot to foot, making him larger than a baseball.

Meet 'Hercules,' the Largest Male Funnel-Web Spider Ever Found

Despite belonging to the most venomous arachnid species on Earth, the spider will be using his bite for good in a program to produce antivenom

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