April 1998

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At the National Museum of American Art

They Live and Breathe Letterboxing

An obscure group of intrepid collectors give this English version of orienteering their hearty stamp of approval

Lessons from the Mall

From courses to cruises, the Smithsonian has educational and cultural adventures for everyone

A Space Invader Is Here

An intergalactic war is going on, but not the kind we used to read about in science fiction magazines

Samples of rock from Chicxulub Crater

A Tale of Two Rocks

Retrieved from a mile beneath the earth's surface 65 million years after their creation, they bear witness to a cataclysm - and the death of the dinosaurs


Olga Hirshhorn and The Art of Living

A look into the life of the museum's leading lady

Discovering the Unknown Landscape: A History Of America's Wetlands
