Ukrainian Protesters Are Already Establishing a Museum for Maidan Artifacts

Less than a week after the uprising in the Ukraine, some groups are already documenting the historic moment

Ukraine's Independence Square February 23
Ukraine's Independence Square February 23 spoilt.exile

Less than a week after the uprising in the Ukraine overthrew the government, some groups are already working on documenting the historic moment. 

The blog Unfree Archaeology reports that a coalition of museums, NGOs and activists are attempting to collect artifacts related to the protest movement.

From the Facebook page of the newly created Maidan Museum (via Google translate):

We encourage all participants and witnesses crucial for Ukraine the events of November 2013 - February 2014 to take care of the preservation for posterity of all tangible and intangible evidence. These may include virtually every subject that was at the epicenter of events. Every phenomenon that was born in the struggle citizens their right . Every emotion, joy and pain. Of particular interest are household items, protesters barricade design elements and means of self-defense activists are things that prove creativity and ingenuity maydanivtsiv, art objects, postcards, posters and other creative expressions on the Maidan.

Here's the original text:

Ми закликаємо усіх учасників і свідків доленосних для України подій листопада 2013 – лютого 2014 р. подбати про збереження для нащадків усіх матеріальних і нематеріальних свідоцтв. До таких може належати практично кожен предмет, що опинився в епіцентрі подій. Кожне явище, що народилося в ході боротьби громадян за свої права. Кожна емоція, радість і біль. Особливий інтерес становлять предмети побуту протестувальників, конструктивні елементи барикад і засоби самозахисту активістів, речі, які засвідчують творчість і винахідливість майданівців, мистецькі об’єкти, листівки, плакати й інші креативні вияви на Майдані. 

The fledgling museum is actually not the first exhibition of artifacts related to the protests. The Ukrainian Museum in New York hosted a film screening and has extended the run of an exhibit of posters from the protests last November. 

In the Ukraine, the National Museum of Art has expressed interest in preserving a trebuchet (a type of catapult) created by protesters, while protesters created a museum of the projectiles police had fired at them during the protest. 

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