Say “Happy Holidays!” With a Dinosaur

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I have never been particularly good at sending out Christmas cards. By the time I get into the holiday spirit and remember, it is usually December 24th. This year, however, the Etsy member FrankNBones has given me a good excuse to do things right with a unique set of dinosaur holiday cards!

Featuring the dinosaur celebrities Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, Dilophosaurus and Parasaurolophus, each card depicts a dinosaur skull with a holiday flourish. (I especially like the Dilophosaurus skull with the jingle bells.) Each one is unique. As their creator explains on the store page:

These original, hand-pulled linocut carvings are printed on 5x7 inch cards. The linoleum blocks were cut by hand, inked, and printed individually. Due to the printing process, there are variations and imperfections from print to print, and no two cards are the same.

Now all I have to do is figure out what to write inside them. ("RAWR"?)

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