

From Twigs to Ravens, Nothing Escapes the Notice of Bernd Heinrich


Star Wars on the Mall


Hot-Rock Cooking Party

For archaeologists, the proof is in the pudding— or rather, in the agave, cactus and other goodies

Lobsters in a tank at a fish market


In Down East Maine, the lobster means more than seafood



It's colorless, odorless and gets no respect, but it's vital to the cycle of life— and we may be using too much

Ishihara Plate 9

Hey, Mr. White, That's the Wrong Color for That

As hard as you might try, it's not easy to keep folks from finding out that you're color-blind


The Riddle of the Carolina Bays

A Gift of a Garden

Green activist Dan Barker is seeding many lives with hope


Planets Around Other Stars Are Hot Hot Hot

Suddenly we find that lots of nearby stars have their own planets, even though so far we can "see" only the giants


It All Comes Out in the Wash


Here, Birds Are Unafraid

Galápagos seabirds tolerate human spectators, and crabs in Panama ignore cars (but hide from trucks)


Flood Forecasting

Water, Water, Everywhere


For Rescue Dogs "Nothing's Better Than a Live Find"

Ants tunneling through a formicarium

An Ant's Life is No Picnic


Mysterious Pearls

Did they once belong to Vietnam's royal family? Perhaps. But for Ben Zucker, a "sleuth" of the gems trade, seeking the answer matters more than finding it

Ernest Thompson Seton

Black Wolf: Ernest Thompson Seton

In his lifetime no one did more than Ernest Thompson Seton to promote the idea that nature is a very good thing


Wastewater Problem? Just Plant a Marsh

For some of the toughest environmental cleanups, plants can do it better and cheaper than we can


Nature's Own Pooper-Scoopers Keep Earth Livable for All of Us

If it were not for dung beetles, members of the scarab family, every terrestrial organism would be up to its eyeballs in you know what


The Object at Hand

From a forest that flourished 207 million years ago, the Sherman Logs bear stony witness to a general's curiosity--and life in an age gone by

A Hypochondriac Knows Those 'Germs' That Threaten Him Are Real

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