
Jeannette Paillan, a Mapuche documentary filmmaker, was the inspiration for this 2012 textile, titled Lukutuwe (Fertility). Scanning the QR code embedded in the tapestry reveals a quotation from Paillan, in Spanish, about the importance of sustaining the Mapuche language.

What’s a QR Code Doing on That Blanket?

Artist Guillermo Bert is weaving together technology and Native American tradition


The Education of a Bomb Dog

A top training academy works double time to meet skyrocketing demand for canines who can sniff out danger


Coming Soon: The Dream Chaser, a Nimbler Space Shuttle

This NASA-funded project could head into orbit within just a few years

In Houston’s Buffalo Bayou Park, Tolerance is seven figures—one for each continent—sculpted of letters from world alphabets.

What Makes Houston the Next Great American City?

As Houston undergoes an ethnic and cultural transformation, its reputation grows as a place where people can dream big and succeed

“A Democracy of Images,” open today at the American Art Museum, features 113 images that span the history of American photography, including William Eggleston’s Tricycle (Memphis), c. 1975.

How American Photography Went From Family Portraits to Art Form

A new exhibition at the American Art Museum show photography's role in the development of democracy in America

Less conspicuous than the rugged Rocky, Cascade and Coast Mountain Ranges in this photograph are the markings of agriculture, in the bottom center.

It’s a Green, Green, Green, Green World

NASA and NOAA release satellite images of Earth and all its vegetation


These Beautiful Maps Show Where All Known Birds, Mammals And Amphibians Live

The maps include data on birds, mammals and amphibians, but not reptiles or fish since not enough is known about those organisms' distribution


We Can Handle a Hurricane or Tornado, But What About a Mega-Disaster?

Fueling the trip to the exoplanet Gliese 667Cd, discovered earlier this week, would be one of humankind’s greatest challenges to date. Above is an artist’s rendering of a view from the planet.

Powering the 21st Century

Can We Power a Space Mission To An Exoplanet?

Ion engines, solar sails, antimatter rockets, nuclear fusion--several current and future technologies could someday help us fuel an interstellar journey

Image Credit:ISS Crew Earth Observations experiment and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center.

Colorado Wildfires Are So Big They Can Be Seen From Space

27 Years Later, Radiation Still Hides Out in Chernobyl’s Trees (Fukushima’s Too)

Trapped in the trees, radiation from Chernobyl could be re-released with a forest fire


Why Do We Yawn and Why Is It Contagious?

Pinpointing exactly why we yawn is a tough task, but the latest research suggests that our sleepy sighs help to regulate the temperature of our brains


Why Living in a City Makes You More Innovative

Research suggests that the more opportunities you have to connect with different people--and fresh ideas--the more creative and productive you tend to be

A Brief History of the Baseball

The development of the baseball, from shoe rubber and lemon peels to today's minimalist, modernist object


The World Is Heading for 11 Billion People This Century

How are we going to feed them all?


Smoke From More Than 800 Forest Fires in Indonesia Is Blanketing Southeast Asia

Most fires appear to be burning in palm oil plantations and land overseen by paper pulp companies, which are owned by Singaporean and Malaysian families

A member of the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, models a hat in the church’s runway fashion show last year.

June 28: Today’s Events at the Folklife Festival

Check out today's events at the Folklife Festival, including Hungarian cooking, fashion as politics and Andean music


Unlooted Royal Tomb Found in Peru

Polish archaeologist Milosz Giersz was terrified that looters would make their way to the site, so he and his colleagues excavated the site in secrecy


The Big Bang: Enthralling Photos of Exploding Bullets

Houston photographer Deborah Bay captures the violent power of projectiles lodged in bulletproof plexiglass

Ruins of Leptis Magna

Here Are the Treasures Libyan Violence Is Keeping Archaeologists From

Libya’s civil war might be over, but the aftershocks of the revolution are still reverberating through the country

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