

Martin as Muse


Too Much?

Why does Smithsonian feel the need to be so topical?

Royal Bengal Tiger

Behind the Lines: Close Calls

Danger comes with the territory for our writers

This image shows an about 1.6 inch (4 cm) large male Yellow-winged Darter (Sympetrum flaveolum) from the side

Dragonfly Dramas

Desert Whitetails and Flame Skimmers cavort in the sinkholes of New Mexico's Bitter Lake Refuge


Prince of Tides

Before "ecology" became a buzzword, John Steinbeck preached that man is related to the whole thing


Hero for Our Time

Challenged to prove his germ theory of disease, Louis Pasteur shaped the terrain on which the battle against anthrax is being fought

"Tigers living in a healthy jungle, Seidensticker concludes, don't have to eat people."

Tiger Tracks

Revisiting his old haunts in Nepal, the author looks for tigers and finds a clever new strategy for saving them


Tigers at the Gate


Tumbleweeds are on a roll in Idaho

Many Afghans (like Khalil Ali Daoud, with whom Belliveau and O'Donnell stayed) still work the land, despite the danger of land mines.

Marco Polo's Guide to Afghanistan

Two Americans retrace the steps of the 13th-century Italian merchant through a harsh land of tough, hospitable people


Around the Mall & Beyond

Cold Comfort

Intrepid travelers pay cold hard cash to chill out in the world's coolest hotel


The Thousand-Yard Stare


October Surprise

Any other year, giving reactionary author V. S. Naipaul a Nobel Prize would have sparked debate


Strange Bedfellows

A new exhibition tracks the turbulent nine weeks that artists Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin lived and painted together in the South of France


Fresh Eyes

It turns out the America portrayed by printmakers Currier and Ives was not all sleigh rides in the snow


Writer of the Purple Prose

Zane Grey went West, fell in love with the desert and redefined the modern cowboy novel

Choice Victuals

For smithsonian's writers, the curiouser the better


Making the Smithsonian an even more splendid presence on the American landscape than ever before

A desert tortoise (emerging from its den) may use the same burrow for many years.

Tunnel Vision

Arizona Naturalist Pinau Merlin celebrates life in the desert by keeping a close eye on it

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