
The full moon is seen near Earth's horizon from the International Space Station.

Earth Is Making the Moon All Warm and Soft on the Inside

A new model boosts the notion that a layer of rock near the moon’s core is squishy and perhaps partially melted

Seawater contains hundreds of viruses, revealed with dye in the flask on the right. Most are harmless, but some microbes living under the sea and amid the sand aren't.

Eight Diseases To Watch Out For At the Beach

Forget sharks: These potentially deadly pathogens and parasites can lurk in sand and sea

Google hosts its fourth-annual science fair. Shown here, the 2013 winners.

Google Thinks These 18 Teenagers Will Change the World

The global finalists of this year’s Google Science Fair take on cyberbullying countermeasures, tar sands cleanup and wearable tech

A critically endangered European eel.

Eels Are Victims of Noise Pollution

Critically endangered European eels get distracted by man-made noise, making them more likely to get eaten by a predator

Algae floating on Lake Erie seeped into the City of Toledo's water supply, forcing a region-wide water ban.

The Algae Problem in Lake Erie Isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon

The Great Lake is sick, and Toledo’s toxic algae is just a symptom

Algae bloom on Lake Erie in 2011

1970s Redux: Lake Erie Is So Polluted, Toledo's Drinking Water Was Cut Off

An algae bloom in Lake Erie leaves hundreds of thousands without fresh drinking water

The CAP canal is pictured running past houses and businesses it feeds in Scottsdale, Ariz. The Central Arizona Project is a 336-mile, man-made river of canals that delivers water from the Colorado River basin uphill to service water needs in southern Arizona, including Tucson and Phoenix.

Don’t Bank on Groundwater to Fight Off Western Drought—It's Drying Out, Too

Water losses in the west have been dominated by dwindling groundwater supplies

The small lakes that dot Russia's Yamal Peninsula were likely formed in the same was as the two strange holes.

That Weird Siberian Hole Has a Twin

Melting permafrost can change the land in really strange—and sometimes dangerous—ways

A pool here might be nice

There’s a Secret Pool in the Mojave Desert

Part art project, part public pool, this artificial oasis will take some effort to get to

Floodwaters gushing through a dam on the Yellow River.

Humans Have Been Messing With China's Yellow River for 3,000 Years

When humans try to tame nature things rarely go according to plan

An oasis in the desert. Tucson, Arizona, as seen from space. October 28, 2011.

Arizona Could Be Out of Water in Six Years

Prolonged drought and a rapidly expanding population are pushing Arizona's water system to its limit

The Baker river, one of the Patagonian waterways that would have been blocked by proposed dams.

Chile Sides With Environmentalists and Communities, Rejects $8 Billion Dam Proposal

Environmentalists are calling the decision "a land-mark"

Water extracted from beneath California’s San Joaquin Valley keeps farm fields green. But it may also be affecting earthquakes in the region.

Pulling Water Out of the Ground May Lead to Quakes on the San Andreas Fault

Ground movements linked to water extraction may change stresses on the fault famously responsible for California earthquakes

The Ooho edible water bottle can't be closed, but is biodegrade.

Here's A Water Bottle You Can Actually Eat

A simple culinary technique may go a long way toward ridding the world of excess plastic waste.

Mars’ Super-Thin Atmosphere May Mean that Flowing Water Was the Exception, Not the Rule

A new analysis suggests that Mars' atmosphere was often too thin to support liquid water

Warka Water towers are designed to take advantage of condensation.

This Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out of Thin Air

Designer Arturo Vittori says his invention can provide remote villages with more than 25 gallons of clean drinking water per day

Snow in the Sierra Nevadas, January 18, 2014.

California’s Snowpack is 68 Percent Below Normal, Threatening Another Dry Summer

California's snowpack is running low, a bad sign for a state plagued by drought

When viewed from space, Earth looks like a water planet. But nearly all of that is saltwater and undrinkable.

A World of Water Woes

From the Middle East to the Caribbean to Australia, people around the world are dealing with water scarcity

There May Be a Second Massive Ocean Deep Beneath the Surface

Chemically bonded to minerals in the transition zone, Earth's mantle may be rather wet

Reusing Hotel Towels Actually Does Make a Difference

Laundry accounts for 16 percent of hotels' water usage, which translates into significant energy costs

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