
Executive Images

To assemble "The American Presidency" exhibition, experts scour a treasure trove of historic pictures


What's Wrong with This Picture?

Hint: It's Real


The Pinhole Point of View

A new generation of photographers is pushing the artistic possibilities of the simple, old-fashioned technique of taking pictures through a hole in a box

Paris by Brassai, Postcard

Brassaà: The Eye of Paris

From mist-shrouded monuments to gritty street scenes, the 20th-century photographer Brassaà created a compelling portrait of cosmopolitan life


Pictures of a Tragedy


Growing Pains

A History of Women Photographers

A Traveling Exhibition On Women Photographers Doesn't Skirt the Issue

Eadweard Muybridge, Boys Playing Leapfrog

A Curator Hunts Down the American Photography Collection of Her Dreams

A curator hunts down the American photography collection of her dreams

A Love Affair With Life & Smithsonian

An Editor's Note

A book from Smithsonian's editor recounts tales of writers and wars, photographers and Presidents, and the experiences of life in journalism

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