

Dinosaur Blog Carnival Edition #2, Part I


Annual Dinosaur Dissection Day


What Good are Dinosaurs?

Candidates and Constituents Visualize Science in 2008


T. rex Protein Was Mere Bacterial Goop?

Hat tip to Bad Astronomy, who is currently on something of a lunar bender owing to Apollo 11′s 40th anniversary and an actual time-lapse, color video of the moon crossing in front of the Earth.

Fly Me to the Moon

Micro-Fossils Reveal Dinosaur Colors and Ancient Sea Life


Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 1

Michelle Coffey moves from biology class to the Bighorn Basin and prepares for her first dinosaur dig

Belemnite fossils found during the first day in the field

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 3 and 4

The paleontology team is finally in place. After setting up camp, the dig begins. Fossils are found and dinosaur tracks investigated

On the march back from the Death March site, everyone carries bags of sediment

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 6, 7 and 8

The team survives the Death March dig and makes an essential stop in Thermopolis

The search yields bones believed to be from a sauropod, a suborder of dinosaurs

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 9, 10 and 11

A new site and more digging yields a dinosaur discovery

A view of the outcrop

Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 14

The paleontology team bids a fond farewell to Wyoming’s Big Basin

Christopher Henshilwood (in Blombos Cave) dug at one of the most important early human sites partly out of proximity—it’s on his grandfather’s property.

The Great Human Migration

Why humans left their African homeland 80,000 years ago to colonize the world


When Pterosaurs Stalked the Earth


Bones to Pick

Paleontologist William Hammer hunts dinosaur fossils in the Antarctic

Climate Change Forced Humans to Evolve




Paleo Carbon Sequestration

From a Predator to a Chicken


When Plants Migrate

The study of how plants moved north after the last ice age could mean new directions for conservation

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