
The XStat is designed so that as many as 97 tiny sponges can be injected into open wounds to stop bleeding in seconds.

An Injectable Bandage Can Stop Heavy Bleeding in 15 Seconds

A new technology developed for the military has the potenial to save soldiers from fatal gunshot wounds

The mushroom cloud from the atmospheric detonation of the 11 megaton Castle Romeo nuclear bomb.

For 25 Years, U.S. Special Forces Carried Miniature Nukes on Their Backs

The B-54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition was a nuclear bomb the size of a backpack

The Army Is Open to Beards, Turbans And Other Religiously Affiliated Symbols

New dress regulations seek to accommodate soldier's religious symbols

Hundreds of years before the Great Wall of China, seen here, there was another.

Archaeologists Chart the First Great Wall of China

Hundreds of years before the Great Wall, the Qi Dynasty built a wall of rammed earth

A U.S. destroyer, part of the U.S. 6th Fleet, sits near Syria.

Syria's Chemical Weapons Are Going on a Convoluted Journey Before They're Destroyed

Multiple nations and multiple hand-offs will take Syria's chemical weapons out of the country for disposal

How the North American Aerospace Defense Command Got Into the Business of Tracking Santa

It all began in 1955 with Sears, a wrong number and a very confused Colonel

The United States, not China, will dominate world affairs, George Friedman believes.

George Friedman on World War III

The geopolitical scientist predicts which nations will be fighting for world power in 2050

In the 1940s, the Soviet Union launched an all-out espionage effort to uncover military and defense secrets from the US and Britain (Klaus Fuchs, left, and David Greenglass, right).

Spies Who Spilled Atomic Bomb Secrets

As part of the Soviet Union's spy ring, these Americans and Britons leveraged their access to military secrets to help Russia become a nuclear power

Boeing-Wichita B-29 Assembly Line

Dive Bomber

Underwater archaeologists ready a crashed B-29 for visits by scuba-wearing tourists at the bottom of Lake Mead

Lee's father, Maj. Gen. "Light-Horse Harry" Lee fought in the Revolutionary War.

Making Sense of Robert E. Lee

"It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it."— Robert E. Lee, at Fredericksburg

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

A Rare Bird


The Maginot Line

It is known as a great military blunder, but in fact this stout network of ingenious bunkers did what it was designed to do


Edward K. Thompson, 1907-1996

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