
Riders view the incredible vista in Dýrafjörður, Iceland, alongside their equine companions.

Why the Best Way to See Iceland Is by Horse

The country’s landscape is surreal and one-of-a-kind—so is a ride on the Icelandic equine

The Grand Prismatic Spring is one of the most indelible hydrothermal features in Yellowstone National Park.

Giant New Magma Reservoir Found Beneath Yellowstone

While an eruption is still unlikely, the find improves our understanding of the supervolcano underneath the national park

Watch A Dangerous Yet Lovely Volcano Erupt in Chile

Calbuco volcano springs to life after more than 40 years of dormancy

The rugged northwest coast of the island of Tristan. Winds and waves are so rough that many of past inhabitants were shipwrecked sailors who drifted ashore.

Redesigning the World's Most Remote Human Settlement

Why architects are hosting a competition to help inhabitants keep living there—and how you can visit

Scientists use underwater vehicles like these to study eruptions beneath the surface.

This is What An Underwater Volcano Sounds Like

Decoding the noises of magma and bubbles will help scientists study explosions from afar

Ice cores in Colorado are stored in a freezer at -33F. The core pictured here is from Greenland.

Ice Scientists of the Future Will Study Glaciers That No Longer Exist

Glaciologists are stocking up on ice cores to ensure a future for their field

Here Are the Places Most at Risk of a Volcanic Explosion

New research will help countries prepare


Ask Smithsonian: Could the Volcano Beneath Yellowstone National Park Ever Erupt?

The good news is that an eruption there is highly unlikely, but the bad news is that it would be huge

The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia left a huge crater, along with a sometimes unexpected legacy.

200 Years After Tambora, Some Unusual Effects Linger

Frankenstein, famine poetry, polar exploration—the "year without a summer" was just the beginning

The as-yet-unnamed new volcanic island in Tonga, explored by GP Orbassano.

What's It Like to Take the First Photos of a New Volcanic Island?

Meet the man who climbed to the top and took these stunning shots

Palau in Cocos Island National Park, Costa Rica — already claimed

Here’s How to Lay Claim to a Brand New Island

It’s pretty complicated (surprise!)

Chilean Volcano Erupts in the Early Morning

The 9,000-foot volcano spewed ash, smoke and lava high into the air

A closeup of a Herculaneum papyrus scroll used in an international scanning project.

Ancient Scrolls Blackened by Vesuvius Are Readable at Last

X-ray scans can just tease out letters on the warped documents from a library at Herculaneum

The town of Portelo, in the shadow of the Pico do Fogo volcano, is now all but gone.

A Volcano on Cape Verde Is Wiping Out Whole Towns

An eruption at the Pico do Fogo volcano has forced 1,200 people to evacuate

How Small Volcanoes May Have Helped Slow Global Warming

Ash reflects heat back into space

About 25 million years ago, a massive landslide engulfed the area between Beaver and Cedar City, Utah.

City-Sized Landslides Happened in the Past And Can Happen Again

Utah has a new claim to fame: it was the site of the world's largest known landslide

Lava flow from the Kilauea volcano.

Lava Is Poised to Consume Some Homes in Hawaii

Lava is creeping across the Big Island's Puna district at a rate of about 10 to 15 yards per hour

Eyewitness images shot by a hiker trapped on the top of Mout Ontake. The hiker was able to descend after a few hours through deep ash.

Japan's Mount Ontake Erupted Suddenly Over the Weekend

36 hikers are feared dead; because of toxic gas, rescue operations have been suspended

Eruption at the Holuhraun lava field near Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, September 2, 2014

Sinking At Icelandic Volcano Has Scientists Worried About Possible Eruption

Movement within Bardarbunga's caldera has researchers watching the volcano closely

Weird Ways People Have Tried To Stop Lava

People living near volcanoes have tried a lot of different methods to redirect lava flows

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