
A nurse suits up in Liberia before entering an Ebola red zone in 2015. Now, a single case of Ebola has been confirmed in Congo by the World Health Organization.

Ebola Returns to the Democratic Republic of Congo

A single death has been confirmed—now public health officials must keep an outbreak from becoming an epidemic

How a Soap Opera Virus Felled Hundreds of Students in Portugal

The “Strawberries With Sugar” outbreak is just one example of mass hysteria, which goes back centuries

The journals that scientists consider most prestigious are often in English.

English Is the Language of Science. That Isn't Always a Good Thing

How a bias toward English-language science can result in preventable crises, duplicated efforts and lost knowledge

The better to infect you with, my dear...

For Viruses, the Best Way to Infect Baby Is Through Mama

Some viruses might take it easier on women—to get to their children

Heavy drinking can cause brain changes that make you want to drink more.

How a Genetically Engineered Virus Could Help the Brain Fight Alcohol Cravings

Heavy drinking can change the brain to make cravings worse. Can gene therapy change it back?

Researchers fear that these normal monk seal encounters could soon grow deadly.

Why Rare Hawaiian Monk Seals Are Lining Up to Get Their Shots

Fearing devastating disease, researchers are vaccinating a wild marine mammal for the first time

This Slo-Mo Sneeze Video Shows Just How Far Spray Clouds Can Spread

Gross as it may be, by mapping the ejected sneeze droplets, researchers hope to better control the spread of disease

Researcher release bumblebees in a greenhouse at the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens

This Deadly Plant Virus Attracts Bees

The cucumber mosaic virus alters the scent of tomato plants to attract more bees to their ailing hosts

When It Comes to West Nile Virus, Atlanta's Cardinals May Be Our Feathered Saviors

New research suggests the bright red birds are viral “super-suppressors”

This 3D model of a microbial community within the human gut allows researchers to study how bacterial changes influence overall health.

How Miraculous Microbes Help Us Evolve Better, Faster, Stronger

Invisible yet crucial, our microbial partners add a gene-swapping plot twist to evolutionary theory

In this watercolor painting, the Zika virus (in pink) infects a cell (cell membrane and receptors in green, interior in blue). Blood plasma surrounds the viral particles.

This Painting Shows What It Might Look Like When Zika Infects a Cell

David S. Goodsell's watercolor-and-ink artworks use the latest research to illustrate viruses, proteins and more

Environmental cues mosquitoes to swarm inside a lab.

Kill All the Mosquitoes?!

New gene-editing technology gives scientists the ability to wipe out the carriers of malaria and the Zika virus. But should they use it?

People planning to travel to high-elevation locations in Central and South America like Mexico City are breathing a sigh of relief.

The CDC Says High Elevation Regions Are Safe From Zika

It's welcome news for anyone with travel plans


Check Out These Vintage Computer Viruses at the Malware Museum

Relive the horror of watching your computer catch a ‘90s-era virus

Marburg virus is one of the pathogens the WHO recently identified as most dangerous.

These Are the World’s Most Dangerous Emerging Pathogens, According to WHO

You may not know their names, but health officials are concerned about the epidemic potential of these illnesses

Microbiologists Keep Finding Giant Viruses in Melting Permafrost

Researchers find several new species in a single soil sample.

Variegated squirrels, like the one pictured above in Costa Rica, may carry a virus that causes encephalitis in humans.

A Squirrel Virus May Have Killed Three Squirrel Breeders in Germany

A mysterious set of deaths seem to be linked to the rodents

Meet the Friendly Virus That Might Actually Be Good For You

Many people carry it, but it doesn’t make you sick and could actually fight against viruses like HIV and Ebola

An Asian tiger mosquito in action.

Could GM Mosquitoes Pave the Way for a Tropical Virus to Spread?

Modified insects designed to stop dengue fever could make it easier for another disease-carrying species to take root

Doctors, army officers and reporters protect themselves during the 1918 pandemic.

The Flu Has Been Making People Sick for At Least 500 Years

The 1918 flu pandemic gets all the headlines, but the malady is thought to have first appeared in the 16th century—and possibly earlier

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