US Military

A new campaign encourages fireworks enthusiasts to be courteous with their explosions this 4th of July.

For Veterans' Sake, Make A Little Less Noise With Your 4th of July Fireworks

Fireworks can trigger PTSD in some veterans, and one organization is trying to raise awareness

The Atlas V rocket launches the X-37B on a 2012 mission. The craft will launch again Wednesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

A Mysterious Space Plane Will Launch This Week

Though much of the X-37B's mission is top secret, details are emerging about experiments that will go into orbit with the unmanned craft

Army Avrocars depicted as "flying jeeps" in company literature

Early Flying Machines Were Just Weird

There’s a reason most designs didn’t stick around

Aboard the Coast Guard Cutter USS Seneca, Prohibition agents stand amidst cases of scotch whiskey confiscated from a "rum runner" boat.

The Coast Guard’s Most Potent Weapon During Prohibition? Codebreaker Elizebeth Friedman

A pioneer of her time, Friedman was a crucial part of the fight to enforce the ban on booze

Space Fence, a radar system sponsored by the U.S. Air Force and built by Lockheed Martin, should help the U.S. detect and track more of the estimated 500,000 pieces of space debris.

U.S. Air Force Builds New Radar for Space Junk

It’s called Space Fence and should help us track the estimated 500,000 pieces of debris that orbit Earth

Olympian and airman Louis Zamperini crouches in his starting position on a B-18 bomber.

"Unbroken"'s Louis Zamperini Crashed Into the Pacific on May 27, 1943. Here is the Missing Air Crew Report

The National Archives holds a record with details of the downing of the former Olympian's B-24 bomber that left him lost at sea for 47 days

General Robinson, right, is handed the Pacific Air Forces flag during a ceremony yesterday.

General Lori Robinson Takes Charge of the Pacific as Air Force’s First Female Major Command Leader

Robinson joins the short list of female four-star generals

The U.S. Navy expects to have swarm boats in operation as soon as next year.

Who Needs a Driver? These Navy Boats Are Programmed to Swarm Like Bees

Using algorithms based on the swarming behavior of ants and bees, the U.S. Navy is turning to driverless boats to protect its ships

Why It Makes Sense to Send the US Military to Fight Ebola in Africa

The military may have capabilities others do not

Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles in their natural habitat.

How Many Left-Over Mine-Resistant Vehicles Did Your School Get From the Military?

School police forces also get used military gear

Pew pew

A Military Contractor Just Went Ahead And Used an Xbox Controller For Their New Giant Laser Cannon

The army’s new laser cannon is controlled with an Xbox controller

A Few Small Changes Could Make the U.S. Military Trans-Inclusive

A new report outlines the logistics of letting the estimated 15,500 transgender individuals already in the military serve openly

Humvees stored inside the Frigaard Cave in central Norway

The Marines Have Equipment Stashed In Norwegian Caves

The Marines are storing tanks and other large equipment in large caves in Norway

The creators of "Will & Grace" donated the pilot script and other items from the show to the National Museum of American History.

A Proud Day at American History Museum as LGBT Artifacts Enter the Collections

The creators of "Will & Grace" and others donated objects related to gay history

William James Aylward depicted a soldier looking down at the grave of his bunk mate in His Bunkie..

This Riveting Art From the Front Lines of World War I Has Gone Largely Unseen for Decades

During WWI, the War Department sent American artists to Europe. The Smithsonian recently digitized the captivating artwork

U.S. Army combat medic Shawn Aiken lies down during his EKG appointment at the VA Medical Center in El Paso, Texas May 24, 2013. Aiken, who served 16 months in Iraq and 13 months in Afghanistan and has been active duty for nearly 10 years, has severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

Some Who Suffer from PTSD Never Get Better

As many as 11 percent of Vietnam veterans diagnosed with PTSD still suffer from the disorder

Infantryman Brandon Dieckmann poses with LS3.

Boston Dynamics' Robotic Mule Is Doing War Games With the Marines

This is the first time the DARPA-funded robot has been in the field

The Airman's Coin Ceremony during the final week of Air Force Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, April 4, 2013. After this event, individuals are no longer called a ''trainee.'' They've earned the right to be called ''Airman.'' Many Airman consider this to be one of the most significant events in their career.

More Than Two Thirds of American Youth Aren’t Good Enough for the Military, Says the Military

The military won't accept people prescribed ADHD medications—but that doesn't mean soldiers aren't using Adderall

The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center has developed a prototype for pizza that could be included in soldiers' field rations.

Ultimate Survival Food: Military-Engineered Pizza That's Good For Three Years

Army scientists have come up with a recipe for a long-lasting pie that can be stored at room temperature

Which Sci-Fi Armor Is the Military's Fancy New Battle Suit Actually Like?

They're calling it the "Iron Man" suit, but we think there's a closer analogy

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