

Scott's Cross

A huddle grows around the high priests, with one young priest bearing an ikon, or holy picture, while others hold ornate gold and silver crosses.

Keepers of the Lost Ark?

Christians in Ethiopia have long claimed to have the ark of the covenant. Our reporter investigated

Amenhotep III (a granite head from the temple complex is his best extant portrait) was succeeded by his son Akhenaten, who revolutionized Egypt's religion—temporarily.

Rebellious Son

Amenhotep III was succeeded by one of the first known monotheists

Adhering to tradition is a way of life among the Zuni Indians of northwestern New Mexico, whether it's dryland farming or wedding ceremonies. "The Zuni's complex social web seems to hold people," says Dennis Tedlock. "Their religion and language provide...ethnic identity."

The Zuni Way

Though they embrace computers and TV, the secret of the tribe's unity lies in fealty to their past

A Hindu monk offers a morning prayer along the Ganges River.

India's Holiest City

At Varanasi, Hindu pilgrims come to pray—and to die—along the sacred Ganges River

Vision of St Maria Magdalena di Pazzi from the Museo de Bellas Artes, Granada

Who Was Mary Magdalene?

From the writing of the New Testament to the filming of The Da Vinci Code, her image has been repeatedly conscripted, contorted and contradicted

Menachem Brody (shown here at Elon Moreh) leads tours to biblical sites on the West Bank.

Shifting Ground in the Holy Land

Archaeology is casting new light on the Old Testament


Medical Sleuth

To prosecutors, it was child abuse - an Amish baby covered in bruises, but Dr. D. Holmes Morton had other ideas


Our Man in Karbala

Coming to terms with Shiite beliefs


In Good Spirits

Lily dale, New York, is a curious little village where the still-quick commune with the once-quick

Shaker House

Living a Tradition

At a handful of sites scattered across New England, Shaker communities transport the past into the present


I Was a Teenage Shaker

Sprigg's has written ten books, organized a major exhibition on Shaker design and served as curator of collections

Shaker Culture

A Foot Stomping Toe Tapping Culture

The Music of Shaker Culture


Farewell, Bright Soul

Chartres Cathedral

Beasts on High


Get Muddy, Save a Church

Regular mudding events keep church and tradition intact for the Hispanic communities of northern New Mexico


Who the Devil is the Devil?


You Can't Keep a Good Prophet Down

What will be, will be. Or will it? As the millennium draws nigh, prophets want to tell us about it


Together They Stay A World Apart

For the Hutterites, the way to heaven lies through faith, communal living and a lot of hard work

American Colony in Jerusalem

A Family, a Colony, a Life of Good Works in the Holy City

Founded more than a century ago, the American Colony in Jerusalem has endured hardships, wars, upheaval, and the ebb and flow of empires

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