National Parks

Why Is Anyone Opposed to Reintroducing American Bison to the Wild?

The government wants to release some of Yellowstone's bison to the wild

An undated photo of a forest fire in Yosemite

With Wildfire Still Burning in Yosemite, Sequoias, At Least, Are Safe

Up and down the West Coast, extraordinary fire seasons are becoming more common—and making climate change worse

A hot spring in Yellowstone National Park

Yes, Yellowstone's Roads Just Melted. No, There's No Reason to Panic

Yellowstone's melting roads, while neat, aren't as unusual as you'd think

Sunrise over Convict Lake

15 Beautiful Reader-Submitted Photos Celebrate Yosemite on Its 150th Birthday

To celebrate the park's enduring beauty, check out some incredible Yosemite pictures from our photo contests

Grand Canyon National Park

Drones Are Now Banned From All National Parks

Drones are now prohibited in all national parks, not just Yosemite

Petroglyphs in Utah

Prehistoric Rock Art Defaced in Utah

Visitors to Nine Mile Canyon decided to leave more than footprints at the longest art gallery in the world

Organ Mountains at Sunset

The Newest National Monument Is Twice as Big as Any Obama Has Created—And It's Beautiful

The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks region is the largest Obama has created, and has ruins, rocky mountains and astronaut-training sites

A view in Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile

An Expansive, Privately Funded Park in Patagonia Will Open to Visitors This Winter

This beautiful park—which foreign conversationists love—is putting wild animals and local gauchos at odds

Stroll Along A Glass Walkway 918 Feet Above the Ground

Glacier Skyway is Jasper National Park’s newest attraction

Yosemite National Park Bans Drones

The Park says that the use of drones can disturb other visitors and wildlife

The remote Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic is just one of the wilderness sites that will soon have wifi.

Canada's Installing High Speed Wifi at Remote National Parks

Wireless internet will no longer be confined to visitor centers at an assortment of trial National Park wilderness sites

Take in the Sights and Sounds of the National Parks

Enjoy a nature break and listen to birds from America's greatest natural wonders

Even though canyoneering started in Europe during the 1970s, Utah is the capital of the sport, attracting rock climbers and mountaineers.

Canyoneering: Much More Than a Hike in the Park

The “Average Joe’s” extreme sport takes athletes high atop mountains and deep into canyons

A group of boaters make their way down the peaceful Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Preserving Silence in National Parks

A Battle Against Noise Aims to Save Our Natural Soundscapes


Wild at Heart

A Yosemite program introduces kids to the great outdoors


Off the Beaten Path

Photo Gallery: Experience the rich diversity of America's national parks

Jack rabbits like this one have mysteriously vanished from Yellowstone National Park a Wildlife Conservation Society study says.

Jackrabbits Vanish from Yellowstone

Since 1990, there's only been one jackrabbit sighting in Yellowstone

Grizzly bear near Obsidian Creek in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone Bear Hair

Scientists collect hairs from Yellowstone grizzly bears to conduct genetic studies

This summer, one of Jackson Hole's most sublime wilderness parcels will finally open to the public.

Jewel of the Tetons

This summer, the Rockefellers are donating a final 1,106 acres, a spectacular parcel to be open to the public for the first time in 75 years

Richard Conniff has made six trips to Africa since 1996.

Harvesting Tourists

In this Q & A, Richard Conniff, author of "Death in Happy Valley," argues that tourism, not cattle-ranching, would be a better use of Kenyan land

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