
Periodical cicadas, like the one pictured above, have missed a lot of news about insects since they last appeared.

Leaproaches, Mutant Butterflies and Other Insect News That the 17-Year Cicadas Missed

Since 1996, scientists have found the oldest fossil insect, the largest living bug, a new taxonomic order and more

This modern-day assassin bug stacks dead ant bodies on its back to confuse predators.

This Insect Uses Its Victims’ Carcasses As Camouflage

Acanthaspis petax, a type of assassin bug, stacks dead ant bodies on its back to confuse predators

Flying insects are usually creepy, but many people love dragonflies.

14 Fun Facts About Dragonflies

#12: Hundreds of dragonflies of different species will gather in swarms, either for feeding or migration

Amber Firefly

The Insect That Creates Its Own Lightshow

There are about 2,000 species of fireflies, a type of beetle that lights up its abdomen with a chemical reaction to attract a mate

A population of the wicker ancylid limpet (insert, not to scale) was found recently in Choccolocco Creek in Alabama.

Alabama Snail Returns From the Dead

The wicker ancylid, declared extinct in 2000, has been found alive and well in Choccolocco Creek

Could the same dryer sheets that keep your towels fresh and static free also repel bugs?

Dryer Sheets as Bug Repellant?

Testing the myth


Gargantuan Spider Webs Bridge Waters of Madagascar


Photo Contest Finalist: Spider in the Light of Daybreak


Spiders "Under The Influence"


The Country's Most Dangerous Beetles

Invasive beetles of various colors and sizes have infiltrated U.S. forests, despite efforts by government experts


Picture of the Week—Whorly Snail

The Audubon Insectarium is the largest freestanding museum in the country dedicated solely to insects and relatives.

Going Buggy at the New Audubon Museum

Crickets, spiders, ants and many other insects thrive in historic New Orleans, where kids and adults learn about creepy crawlers

Panamanian termites (Termes panamaensis).

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet


Spiders Are Not As Old As We Thought

The oldest fossil spider was thought to be Attercopus fimbriunguis, which lived around 386 million years ago

Termite digestion of wood pulp is the subject of research into
potential new biofuels

Termite Bellies and Biofuels

Scientist Falk Warnecke's research into termite digestion may hold solutions to our energy crisis

In a recent study, malaria-resistant mosquitoes —tipped off by their neon green eyes—faired better than typical wild insects after feeding on infected blood.

Can Mosquitoes Fight Malaria?

Scientists can build a mosquito that resists infection, but getting the insects to pass along the gene is a harder task

A gypsy moth larva crawls along a leaf.

Unwelcome Guests

A new strategy to curb the spread of gypsy moths


Tiny Treasures

From mosquitoes to mementos, the smallest items in the Smithsonian's collections can be the most useful


Supermodels with Six Legs


My Dog Has Fleas, Also My Cat, My Bird, My...

These tiny prehistoric parasites have evolved a bold array of weapons, the better to torture their hosts

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