George Washington

Edward Savage painted this portrait of Mount Vernon in 1792.

Exploring Mount Vernon

George Washington's historic Virginia plantation

After the Bristish occupying army left Boston, Washington issued general orders (above) to his troops to "live in the strictest Peace and Amity with the [city's] inhabitants." He also urged the town fathers to turn over remaining British supplies and identify spies.

Washington Takes Charge

Confronting the British in Boston in 1775, Gen. George Washington honed the qualities that would carry the day in war and sustain the new nation in peace

Britannia offers solace and a promise of compensation for her exiled American-born Loyalists

Divided Loyalties

Descended from American Colonists who fled north rather than join the revolution, Canada's Tories still raise their tankards to King George


Winter of Discontent

Even as he endured the hardships of Valley Forge, George Washington faced another challenge: critics who questioned his fitness to lead

George Washington, shown here in an 1853 lithograph, oversees his slaves at Mount Vernon.

Founding Fathers and Slaveholders

To what degree do the attitudes of Washington and Jefferson toward slavery diminish their achievements?


Washington Slept Here

A look at the first president's "best bed" leads to a recollection of the real man and his exemplary life

Uniform worn by George Washington during the American Revolution.

George Washington Slept Here

A great and good man, but bringing him to life in a debunking age is a hard row to hoe

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