Food Science

Fish Oil Could Be a Modern-Day Snake Oil

The premise that fish oil is good for your heart is based on questionable data

A mock-up of what GE's calorie-counting device might look like.

A Device That Counts Calories for You

GE researchers are developing a system that calculates the exact calories in food using microwaves

The Microbes That Make Cheese Taste Good Are Surprisingly Universal

Just a dozen different types of bacteria and fungi tend to dominate all different cheese types

Natural Chocolate Is Actually a Reddish Color

Chocolate didn't turn brown until chemists got their hands on it

Science Proves That Kids' Eyes Really Are Bigger Than Their Stomachs

Adults around the world uniformly clean their plates at dinner time, but not kids

Dirty Martini

What Does Your Favorite Drink Look Like Under A Microscope?

Check out these colorful images of crystallized alcoholic beverages

The skeleton of a young man, whose tooth plaque was used in the study.

Ancient Tooth Plaque Shows Our Ancestors Used to Feast on Weeds

Purple nutsedge is a pest today, but thousands of years ago it was probably valued for its cavity-preventing properties

Close-up of a penny bun (Boletus edulis) in a forest.

You May Have Been Eating Mushrooms That Were Unknown to Science

Scientists just discovered three new species of mushroom… in a London shop

Tweaking the Banana’s Genome Could Save the Lives of Thousands of Children in Uganda

But not everyone agrees that GMO crops should be used to solve food and nutrition problems

Save the Endangered Beers!

The National Collection of Yeast Cultures stores thousands of strains of yeast to keep them from disappearing

The incorrect way to eat a hamburger (according to science)

Japanese Scientists Have Figured Out the Ideal Way To Eat a Hamburger

Picking up your food any-which-way is just so inefficient

Listen to Your Coffee Beans—It'll Perfect Your Roasting Skills

Coffee beans make different noises depending on how toasted they are

Whales And Dolphins Can Only Taste Salt

Almost all vertebrates enjoy five primary tastes, but not dolphins and whales

This Farmer Grew Four Times As Much Rice in the Same Amount of Land

His controversial farming method has long been dismissed by experts

The Science of Cooking a Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

It's all about temperature and timing

Daiquiri mixing machines at Wet Willie's.

The Surprising History of Making Alcohol a Powdered Substance

A startup is seeking approval to sell alcohol in tiny inconspicuous packets. But the science is decades old

Maple Syrup Farmers Can Now Vacuum Sap Out of Trees

A new technology helps sugarmakers get every last drop

A chef preparing sushi.

It’s Not a Health Hazard to Have Sushi Made With Bare Hands, It’s a Necessity

A misguided California law temporarily banned the use of gloveless hands to form sushi. Here’s why it’s being repealed


No-Kill Caviar Could Make Luxury Less Expensive

Given a particular protein and a nice massage, sturgeon give up their eggs without giving up their lives

A Virus—Possibly Spread by Pig Feed—Has Killed Millions of Piglets

The virus poses no threat to humans, but is deadly to piglets

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